>On 2001-08-16 22:58:52, Anonymous wrote:
>>On 2001-08-16 22:57:17, Earl Olsted wrote:
>>>On 2001-08-16 22:44:25, Anonymous wrote:
>>>>On 2001-08-16 22:39:21, Anonymous wrote:
>>>>>On 2001-08-16 19:01:26, Tony wrote:
>>>>>I have been trying to convert my home grown corn
>>>>> stalks, to microwave popcorn, do you have a way
>>>>> to that I can improve the poping precentages of
>>>>> the popcorn. Please help. We also need the kernels
>>>>> original rescipe.
>I want to send my resume to Osdev, what is the postal address.
You had an elephant. His name was Stampy.
You loved him!
>>>>ok guys I'll field this one:
>>>>Usually (pretty much always
in a multitasking
>>>>environment each application has it's own memory
>>>>space. No other application is able to alter the
>>>>memory of another application, therefore your 'i' variable is perfectly safe.
>>>>Some problems with multitasking involve the kernel
>>>>itself: what if two applications call the same
>>>>function? For example, two separate programs
>>>>tell the OS to read a sector from the HD. If that
>>>>OS function uses the same buffer for each read,
>>>>and is interrupted in the middle, you've got a
>>>>problem... the wrong data may be sent to the wrong program.
>>>>Hence the reason you are getting substandard popped
>>>>kernels, What I would recommend is reading the faq's on
>>>>http://drywell.osdev.org/ <<and go from there this
>>>>is not easy but its not rocket science either, after
>>>>all that dumbass orvill with his stupid suspenders
>>>>has figured it out.
>>>>as for the colonels recipie have you tried asking?
>>>>Just a thought.....and my two cents
>>>I myself think that multitaking a operating system is bad for the
>>>kernel, I usally heat the corn for about 2minutes and 45secs,
>>>then reboot into dos to eat them, after that I finish up,
>>>by licking the jar of the butter that I used.
>>UMMM, What is a microwave?