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This stinks: Disk drive

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 7:18 am
by Kon-Tiki
Weirdly enough, my pc crashed twice while trying to enter my disk drive ( a:\ ) via msn. Tried to enter it using the 'My computer'-icon, but it takes ages to load it, the light doesn't do anything and I get the same message I get when I do that with no disk in the station.
Weird thing is, it worked yesterday ::) I really don't know what happened to it. It seems like it just did that from one day to another.


Re:This stinks: Disk drive

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 9:36 am
by Kon-Tiki
Found the problem. Some idiot made a b:\-drive and set the disk drive to that.
