some of the latest motherboard are real crap

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some of the latest motherboard are real crap

Post by ggodw000 »

Bough several of latest AM4+ socket motherboard they all really sucked. 3 different board none of them booted!! Returned back to Frys all of 'em. One of them sort of booted but unreliable and reboot reliably when restart it several times.
I had older am3 based PC and old HP server and never had this problems.

It look like at least one of them failed to boot when there is no display connector is connected (sad) and when I connected it afterward, it frozes on POST screen.
However when i did some bios development at earlier, there was some discussion about auto sensing the vga port and behavior could be different. I still believe that motherboard not being able to boot all the way when no connector is plugged is extremely poor behavior whatever the underlying reason e and not sure if failure to boot with no connector is a widespread problem on latest boards. The ones I owned in the last had never this problem.

Next few weeks, I am looking to buy several MB-s very reliable ones to manage it remotely so thinking what to do with it.
If it is defined behavior on many models, i wonder if there was a way to cheat the connector.

I would be managing and rebooting several mainboard remotely through home network interface which I have been doing so with my current 1 server + 1 client PC.
Since client PC motherboards has no remote-out-of-band- management feature (most of them or all), I will counting on logging through RDP and for that reliable POST sequence on each of these boards.

THe several boards I bought from Frys recently simply did not cut it.
key takeaway after spending yrs on sw industry: big issue small because everyone jumps on it and fixes it. small issue is big since everyone ignores and it causes catastrophy later. #devilisinthedetails
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Re: some of the latest motherboard are real crap

Post by AJ »


What's the quality of the PSU you are using? If it really is a VGA connector issue, just plug a VGA --> HDMI adapter in to the port with nothing attached to the HDMI end.

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Re: some of the latest motherboard are real crap

Post by ggodw000 »

AJ wrote:Hi,

What's the quality of the PSU you are using? If it really is a VGA connector issue, just plug a VGA --> HDMI adapter in to the port with nothing attached to the HDMI end.

not only it is good, it is monster 700W which should be good enough and respectable brand. I did VGA->HDMI adapter and still did not do good but i can not be a certain on this, I think i did it. I wonder if monitor gives extra signal.
key takeaway after spending yrs on sw industry: big issue small because everyone jumps on it and fixes it. small issue is big since everyone ignores and it causes catastrophy later. #devilisinthedetails
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Re: some of the latest motherboard are real crap

Post by iansjack »

It is very common for motherboards designed for workstations to require a monitor attached. Some, if not all, Apple computers will boot OS X without a monitor, but require one for Linux or other OSs. Go figure.

If you want reliable headless operation the real answer is to use a server motherboard. But you may find BIOS settings (stop on error, integrated graphics) that affect this behaviour.
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