tatOS & USB

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tatOS & USB

Post by TomT »

A new release of tatOS is available for scrutiny or amusement. tatOS now has a protected mode interface using sysenter / sysexit with an elementary paging scheme.

tatOS has always been advertised as an x86 hobby OS of no great significance but it does have its own text editor and assembler, and it has driver code for communication between the UHCI and EHCI usb controllers and your usb flash drive or usb mouse ... that works most of the time :) This version of the EHCI driver takes advantage of all 5 page pointers and unlimited retries for maximum data transfer and reliability.

tatOS is written in assembly using nasm and developed on a linux machine. It needs a bios to boot and is developed on real hardware. It boots from floppy on old hardware and boots from a flash drive on my netbook as well, but I have a very limited hardware collection to test.


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Re: tatOS & USB

Post by rdos »

I'll study your source as I develop my own USB disc driver. Last I looked it was a lot more self-contained and easy to understand than the Linux counterpart. Even (or maybe because?) it is written in assembly instead of C with too many dependencies.
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