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Added a page on a reliable solution for GrUB Error 13

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:53 pm
by gravaera
I added this solution based on the comments by several forum members who suggested it, and it seemed to be working almost universally whenever the implementor was able to understand what was being suggested.

It gives a detailed, pretty much step by step article on how to link a Multiboot Header into a separate ELF section by itself, and place that section at the top of the Kernel image, via LD scripts.

This particular error seems to account for about...~25-30% of the newcomer stumbling block questions, so we should now be able to refer them to the wiki for information on the error, and a solution for its rectification. I titled the article smartly as GrUB Error 13, and the first header in the article is the Error Message text. It should be easy enough to find via a search.

Re: Added a page on a reliable solution for GrUB Error 13

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:20 am
by Combuster
Added it to the FAQ