windows 3.1 fun
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:27 pm
i have just ran win3.1 on my vm, i would like to know if there is a way to crash windows 3.1 using assembly?
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How does it access 16 megs of RAM if it runs in real mode (genuine question, sorry if this is a n00b question)? The thing about DOS is that once an application runs it as full control of the whole PC. MS used this to let windows run from DOS but that does not make it "a DOS shell"NickJohnson wrote:Yeah, Windows 3.1 still runs in real mode, because it is really just MS-DOS with a new shell, so you have access to everything. It's not like you can make it crash spectacularly, because it kind of doesn't have much substance to it - crashing MS-DOS is too simple to be interesting.
The 286 has a 24-bit address space that can be used from 16-bit pmode, I think.dude101 wrote:How does it access 16 megs of RAM if it runs in real mode (genuine question, sorry if this is a n00b question)? The thing about DOS is that once an application runs it as full control of the whole PC. MS used this to let windows run from DOS but that does not make it "a DOS shell"NickJohnson wrote:Yeah, Windows 3.1 still runs in real mode, because it is really just MS-DOS with a new shell, so you have access to everything. It's not like you can make it crash spectacularly, because it kind of doesn't have much substance to it - crashing MS-DOS is too simple to be interesting.
Old Borland compilers may be able to do that, or maybe even Watcom.dude101 wrote:I put win3.1 on a VM too. Does anyone know where I can find a C compiler that can make win16 exes?
As ru2aqare notes, Borland C++ 5.02 and earlier can compile win16 targets. Version 5.5 is free, and easily found, but it is not what you need... 5.02 is a bit difficult, and perhaps illegal (sigh) so you should (sigh) ask first.dude101 wrote:I put win3.1 on a VM too. Does anyone know where I can find a C compiler that can make win16 exes?
I actually thought about Turbo C 3.x or something. We still have those ancient compilers in the computer labs at the university, so I figured they must be able to compile for win16 target as well, but I'm not sure, we only did real mode programming when we learnt C.Wilkie wrote: As ru2aqare notes, Borland C++ 5.02 and earlier can compile win16 targets. Version 5.5 is free, and easily found, but it is not what you need... 5.02 is a bit difficult, and perhaps illegal (sigh) so you should (sigh) ask first.
Ye gods, I think I have a copy of that on my desktopWilkie wrote:There is always Visual Basic 3! (Which really brings me back... mmmmm p-code)