My idea is a in-browser method of managing websites..(not entirely meant for developing your website, but rather for on-the-go content edits and such)
It is designed to only be a "framework" which manages "add-ons" (the framework basically, is just an interface for the user to use them)
The addons are designed to be very easy to make, but also, the potential of a lot of power..
also, the framework itself is meant to work from nothing but PHP...therefore, a quite minimalist host will work...(though add-ons may use databases and such)
here is my idea.txt file..
Code: Select all
Ok, for security, EVERY .php file should have a include at the first line, like this
<?php include "security.php";?>
This is a very small, but important will check if a variable is defined/set and if it isn't, then the
interpretor is immediatly stopped. This is so no one can just goto and have access..
An addon is basically just a php script with a few things to setup, and a few restrictions...
For setup, a very simple template would be as follows:
include "security.php"; //in EVERY FILE NO MATTER WHAT!!
case "init":
//do initialization stuff here..
$name="My Addon"; //this is the name of addon
$link_name="Hello World"; //this is the text of the link fo ryour addon
$page_title="My Addon Page"; //this is the title used for "requested" page
$version=1.0; //this should be a float, and is the version of your addon
case "setup":
//do the initial setup, this is only done the first time the script is run!
case "requested":
//This is done when a link for your addon is requested by the navigation link
echo 'Hello World!!<br>'; //show a small example page
echo '<a href="'.GenerateLink("My Addon","test_link").'">My Test Page</a>'; //also, GenerateLink can take an
optional argument option, like GenerateLink("My Addon,"test_link",$my_arg_array);
case "test_link": //this will be called when clicking on the link made by GenerateLink()
echo 'hai';
case "exit":
//do any ending things here...
echo 'Undefined action!!<br>';
See, this really is simple, but powerful..I'm really not sure how I will pull off all of it while keeping
script exec time under 1second though...
You should not use stylesheets, though inline styles can be done..
<head> and <html> can not be used, can not be set, except for in the initialization(so, you can only have one
title for all pages)
$_PUT will probably be used for page navigation, as it will make it easy to bookmark
Cookies will be used, so that there is no relying on .htaccess...this hting is suppose to depend on nothing but
PHP...(though, addons can rely on anything they want..)
btw, the project name right now is niche...though that was jsut a completely random name that was the first thing I thought of...