I just realized you were talking about allocation being slow and not the linked list. Oops.
A similar method is to periodically convert portions or as much as you like of the linked list into an array. You might use a unrolled linked list along side of something like this.
If you are finding you're self having too large of a linked list then you might try increasing the overall structure depth or/and grouping events so that when you need to perform a search or modification of certain entries you have decreased the number of entries.
So if you are keeping track of events for
something, then you might only attach those events to that something instead of:
Shallow Overall Structure Depth
Code: Select all
struct tEvent{
struct tSomething *something;
/// event information
struct tEvent *next, *prev;
Increased Overall Structure Depth.
Code: Select all
struct tEvent{
/// event information
struct tEvent *next, *prev;
struct tSomething{
struct tEvent *events;
Sometimes you can make one item become part of multiple lists.
Code: Select all
struct tItem{
u32 type;
struct tItem *next, *prev;
} core, type1, type2, type3;
Where the core next and prev could repersent
if you needed the entire linked list. The
type2, and
type3 could represent linked list of entries corresponding to certain types. So if you needed to only search for a type1 then you would have eliminated the
type2 and
type3 needless searches.
Decrease Evaluation Time Of Items
You can sometimes decrease the evaluation time of the items in the linked list which will decrease the total time to search the linked list. If you are searching for strings try adding a hash value beside them. Then check the hash, then the string if the hash is correct.
Code: Select all
unsigned int hash(unsigned char *string){
u32 x, hash;
for(x = 0, hash = 0; string[x] != 0; ++x){
hash += string[x];
return hash;
You might even find a performance increase if you check multiple integer values. Where you check
b, and
c for
vc. Then
a+b+c==va+vb+vc. Of course you take a penalty when you find the correct item; or for each correct item.