I am making a pc emulator, but rather than have all of the devices contained in one binary file, I instead am using dlls/SO's, but now I have a problem with design
for external devices I have a GlobStruct type interface where Open86Init(GlobStruct *globs); is called, this global struct has everything that the device should need, from where memory is located(a pointer), to the values of all the registers
but now, I want for devices to rely on each other for ease of programming, for instance if your gonna write a VGA video card, you don't want to worry about gui crap,
now my design problem is how the crap do I make this nice and managable, btw I'm using C
Inter-application communication..(design)
If you wanted a module to talk to another module, you could have the module wanting to talk query the main program to see if the other module even exists. If not, the main program loads it, and returns a handle for IPC. Then, have a standardish IPC interface so that the modules can understand each other.
If you wanted a module to talk to another module, you could have the module wanting to talk query the main program to see if the other module even exists. If not, the main program loads it, and returns a handle for IPC. Then, have a standardish IPC interface so that the modules can understand each other.
C8H10N4O2 | #446691 | Trust the nodes.