Wiki Tabbed Browsing
Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:36 am
Firstly, I like the new look of the Wiki - the organisation seems much better (not that there was much wrong with the information on the old one!).
Just a suggestion - how about making it so that on the main wiki page, new topics open up in a new tab by default?
I don't know if everyone uses it in the same way as I do, but it's often useful to have the contents page there, open up several tabs with relevant topics, and flick between them.
I know (I'm using IE7) that I could just right click and click 'Open in new tab...', but if lots of people feel the same, it could just be that bit more convenient
Firstly, I like the new look of the Wiki - the organisation seems much better (not that there was much wrong with the information on the old one!).
Just a suggestion - how about making it so that on the main wiki page, new topics open up in a new tab by default?
I don't know if everyone uses it in the same way as I do, but it's often useful to have the contents page there, open up several tabs with relevant topics, and flick between them.
I know (I'm using IE7) that I could just right click and click 'Open in new tab...', but if lots of people feel the same, it could just be that bit more convenient
