Re:Notepad coding!
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 2:08 pm
What about
scandisk /autofix
scandisk /autofix
The Place to Start for Operating System Developers
Code: Select all
C:\WINDOWS\Desktop>move /?
To move one or more files:
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]filename1[,...] destination
To rename a directory:
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]dirname1 dirname2
[drive:][path]filename1 Specifies the location and name of the f
or files you want to move.
destination Specifies the new location of the file.
can consist of a drive letter and colon,
name, or a combination. If you are movin
file, you can also include a filename if
to rename the file when you move it.
[drive:][path]dirname1 Specifies the directory you want to rena
dirname2 Specifies the new name of the directory.
/Y Suppresses prompting to confirm creation of a di
or overwriting of the destination.
/-Y Causes prompting to confirm creation of a direct
overwriting of the destination.
The switch /Y may be present in the COPYCMD environment variable.
This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line.
Code: Select all
%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
Code: Select all
rem a messager, prints everything you put on %1, %2, etc.
rem example: mess Hello, how are you ? I am fine, thanks Hello world.
echo %1
if "%1" == "" goto endloop
goto loop
The Windows operating system determines how to handle a file by the filename extension. Files ending in ".bat" are executed as a "batch script". In a batch script, you can use any command that is available on the command line (DOS box), plus a number of additional stuff like @echo, parameters etc.Joey wrote: You type in this code then save it as a .bat file. can you save any thing you write in notepad as ANY type of file?
Correct - there are literally hundreds of languages in which you can write the human-readable form of the program, and hundreds corresponding compilers to translate them to executable form.But there has to be a language or something for .exe files.
Correct - confused here. if i made programs in notepad and wanted to save them as a .bat file, there is a language for .bat right?
It's itching me to recommend you a language, or a book, but I fear no matter what I recommend, I will be flamed by onlookers, because programming languages have always been a reason for holy wars...Can someone explain how i would know what code i would need to type for a .exe file or something like that.
Nope. Keep your posting saved away somewhere save, and in five years or so, dig it out and read it again. You'll probably laugh your head off.i typed in the following for a .bat file in notepad, and it worked:
echo off
@del c:\test
echo your a dumb @$$
echo on
now if i saved it as a .exe file, would it do the same as the .bat file?
It's ALT+#It involves typing everything on one line, using the ctrl-# mechanism to give you access to the full ASCII character range, knowing ASCII->Hex, how to program in machine code, the .com/.exe format and finally the Windows API of your choice.
There is no DOS command called move. There is a DOS program called MOVE.EXE.erebus- wrote: hrm, in response to whom denies the existance of the DOS command "move"(Windows 98SE:
Code: Select all
C:\WINDOWS\Desktop>move /? To move one or more files: MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]filename1[,...] destination
You can write an assembler in anything that can emit plain binary (Assuming it can also use a value of 0->255 for each byte). A couple of months back I wrote a very basic one (It only recognises DB, DW, DD, RET, INT) using a hex editor. Once the initial version (That can read an input file, parse it, and emit an output file) is created everything else is just a question of evolution. I keep meaning to go back and finish it, but there's never enough time.Joey wrote: whoa whoa whoa. now you struck my interest. you can write a basic assembler and compiler in notepad?