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Re: Intel Manuals

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:30 pm
by DavidCooper
AJ wrote:Hi,

The Resources heading has a "more..." link, taking you to the resources category. It's accessible from there. Each heading on the main page only contains a summary of the pages in that section.

Seems I've somehow managed to trained myself to ignore small print - I've never noticed the "more..." option on any section!

Edit: No, that isn't the case - I've tried clicking on some now and discovered that I have clicked on them before, but they usually lead to less interesting stuff or rearranged and depleted versions of what's already on the main page, so you learn not to bother clicking them unless you're trying to hunt down something very specific (in which case you're more likely just to try a direct search).

Re: Intel Manuals

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:04 pm
by DavidCooper
berkus wrote:

Will do! That's the kind of way in I like.