Thank you for being a *bit* more civilized this time, Tyler. At this rate, it will only take about 1000 more posts to get there completely
Tyler wrote:If a person doesn't release a license with there product, or had one that says do whatever, and this is not what they wish, then there rights are not protected.
Homework time.
Why do people put something like "Copyright (c) YYYY ORIGINAL_AUTHOR" in every significant file if the license protects such rights?
What are you allowed to do with such files if only such a copyright notice is present?
Tyler wrote:->"At any rate, all I am really saying is "**** or get off the pot." If people *really* care about "free software" and sharing, then they shouldn't be restrictive or unrealistic about it."
I was referenceing that. Are you suddeny deciding that GPL isn't a free software license?
If you really wish to take things out of context, that sentence affirms that the GPL *is* a free software license, yet of restrictive (or unrealistic) nature, if anything.
Tyler wrote:I really think you have lost what you are even arguing. Don't forget you began this argument claiming people should waver all copyrights, on accout of you being an unrealistic commie who is jealous of others achievemnts.
I made a statement, you incited an argument that I am bored enough to continue ATM
Anyhow I suggest you re-read that statement as well. I stated what people would do if they weren't so involved with their egos.
The last part of the statement is the funniest part. You are the seeming GPL zealot, and
you call
me a "communist"... anyone care to explain the irony in that? Anyone wish warn Tyler of the kind of obvious trap this sets if he responds?
Tyler wrote:You know your high horse only has three legs right? I really think you have a serious problem with human interaction mate... i really don't care either way lol, i just enjoy how you keep changing the basis of your arguments.
Actually my high horse is tired from you putting words into my mouth just so you have something to attack.
You keep attempting to obfuscate the basis of
my position to others by doing so.
So this means that you *do* really care, but I called you out on it so you are trying to play a cooler hand. However, if you get too cool, you will have nothing to say.
Unfortunately for you, my statements are as trivial as sleeping to me, and do not require any emotional effort, so you can abandon any hopes of making me as "red in the face" as you probably are
If you really want me to "attack" you... then here it goes.
You keep using "there", a context of position/location, in place of "their", a context of possession/ownership. Because of this, amongst other obvious things, you are not representing your country-folk well, as you cannot even use the language named after your own people/culture in a proper manner... mate