Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:20 pm
IMHO it's pretty ugly for 90s as well....ehird wrote:Plan9's gui is an artifact of the 90s that nobody's worked on recently.
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IMHO it's pretty ugly for 90s as well....ehird wrote:Plan9's gui is an artifact of the 90s that nobody's worked on recently.
I didn't complain about that, but there's certainly much more to code clarity than those guidelines.ehird wrote:~: It's hardly simplistic when the linux coding guidelines dictate that a function should generally not exceed 24 lines, and that any more than 3 levels of indentation means you probably are doing something wrong.
Uh?ehird wrote:- Vim emulates a lot of gui stuff inside a terminal - that's just backwards.
Strongly disagree.ehird wrote:Um, yes it is. ncurses. ncurses is fatally incorrect. It gives gui-style control over a "screen" emulated with text and uncooked mode. That belongs in a >real< GUI.
No need to be so negative. It is just a fact that not everything can, or even should, be documented directly within the code. Too much comment renders the code unreadable. Too little comment does the same.~ wrote:...and then let the programmer make as many hacks and unclear code as he likes, and if somebody wants to understand it then just let them look through the fine documentation for even being able to reprogram it completely.
Yep, this is my opinion. Completion and line-editing is terminal-level, not hacked-on-lib level. I also believe that if you want an interface like vims you should stop forcing the terminal to it, and use a proper gui library instead.mystran wrote:Strongly disagree.ehird wrote:Um, yes it is. ncurses. ncurses is fatally incorrect. It gives gui-style control over a "screen" emulated with text and uncooked mode. That belongs in a >real< GUI.
You are trying to say that we should always (no exceptions) read the console line-by-line letting the terminal to provide line editing it feels like it, because asking for the raw character-per-character input is "incorrect"?
You are trying to say that we should only use dump terminals, because the escaping features such as those offered by VT100 are "incorrect"?
You are mistaken.