You can see, that instead of stay in "jump $" i.e. jump to 0x000190a5 it jump to "0xffff90a5". Why this happen??? Why it preserve ip value "90a5", and why I have "ffff"??? eflags shows, that I am not alredy in vm86 mode, but cs has large value (it is not 0x8, as in protected mode).<bochs:8> info registers
eax: 0x2 2
ecx: 0xeaea0e 15395342
edx: 0x28 40
ebx: 0x1000a 65546
esp: 0xffff 65535
ebp: 0x2 2
esi: 0x787cd8 7896280
edi: 0x3e 62
eip: 0x90a5
eflags 0x23202
cs: 0x1000
ss: 0x1000
ds: 0x1000
es: 0x1000
fs: 0x1000
gs: 0x1000
<bochs:9> s
Next at t=468462499
(0) [0x000190a5] 1000:90a5 (unk. ctxt): jmp .+0xfffe (0x000190a5) ; ebfe
<bochs:10> s
Next at t=468462500
(0) [0x000190a5] 1000:90a5 (unk. ctxt): jmp .+0xfffe (0x000190a5) ; ebfe
<bochs:11> s
Next at t=468462500
(0) [0x000190a5] 1000:90a5 (unk. ctxt): jmp .+0xfffe (0xffff90a5) ; ebfe
<bochs:12> info registers
eax: 0x0 0
ecx: 0x0 0
edx: 0x683 1667
ebx: 0x0 0
esp: 0x0 0
ebp: 0x0 0
esi: 0x0 0
edi: 0x0 0
eip: 0xfff0
eflags 0x2
cs: 0xf000
ss: 0x0
ds: 0x0
es: 0x0
fs: 0x0
gs: 0x0
Enter in v86 mode - problem
Enter in v86 mode - problem
I some problems to enter in V86 mode. Useing bochs I debug bad place. I try to enter in v86 mode and it seems, that this works. My v86 code is only "jump $". After a lot of cycles (about 9000) probably interrupt happen, and result is like this: