This forums is for OS project announcements including project openings, new releases, update notices, test requests, and job openings (both paying and volunteer).
SerpaeOS is a free, open-source, textual x86 operating system designed to bring together the best of Linux and Windows into a powerful, user-friendly, and secure Unix-like environment. All users are instant natives to SerpaeOS' simple and convenient workspace. Developers are provided with an optimal environment with a powerful terminal (which includes most Linux commands) completed with a wealth of built-in utilities.
Note: source code and binary are not yet released on sourceforge.
* "BelOS"
** BelOS - an singletasks console 32-bits operating system for easy building small systems. BelOS supports FAT32 file system, binary 32-bits executable COM files, 32-bits PE EXE and ELF files in future. There is also support for executable files in a bytecode format that can run on embedded systems with event based tasking.
OS Name - Redox is a microkernel-based operating system, a complete, fully-functioning, general-purpose operating system with a focus on safety, freedom, reliability, correctness, and pragmatism; wherever possible, the system components are written in Rust and run in user-space.
Contact: (Matrix Space).
Github repo
AthenX-2.0 is a simple CLI interface operating system. It doesn't attempt to be a UNIX clone, but more of a OS for people who want somthing really really different, or have a pc with weak specs.
It can currently load basic programs complied with a special makefile and linker.
If you think you did it right, you probably didn't.
Count to 10 ten before compiling, vscode can only save so fast
The pun should always be intended
For a standard PC with an 80186 processor.
In x86 real mode and BIOS IO.
With emphasis on source code quality.
Project published on github with open source license.
Added ExectOS to the Wiki list. Short info below as well.
Name: ExectOS
Description: Modern, EFI-enabled, general purpose operating system written from scratch and implementing the XT architecture trying to bring best from Unix and NT. It runs on x86 and x86_64 architectures and provides NT drivers compatibility layer.
Contact: Rafal Kupiec, belliash(at)codingworkshop(dot)eu(dot)org
Status: Under development
Name: PatchworkOS or Patchwork
Description: Patchwork is a 64 bit monolithic hobbyist OS built from scratch in C for the x86_64 architecture, it is intended as an easy-to-modify toy-like Unix-inspired OS (not Unix-like) it takes many ideas from Unix while simplifying them and removing some of the fat. Made entirely for fun.
Contact: Kai Norberg, [email protected]
Status: Under Development
* '''LaylaOS''' - A hobby OS with a preemptive, multitasking macrokernel, GUI desktop, Qt5.12, SDL2 and many more ported software.
** Contact: [email protected]
** URL:
OS Name - ArtilleryOS Description: Unique graphical operating system that combines the simplicity and power of Unix-like systems with a tiling window management environment. Featuring a custom-designed kernel. Contact: Levent Kaya, [email protected] URL: