XtremeOS - An 8086 compatible OS written in pure X86 asm

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Re: XtremeOS - An 8086 compatible OS written in pure X86 asm

Post by Prostyle44 »

onlyonemac wrote:This OS is going off-topic. It was supposed to be a small OS for old PCs - why are we suddenly doing Arduinos and Stepper Motors? As far as I'm concerned those only add to the memory consumption.
Since I also love electronics as much as computers, I thought of adding these features. :)
onlyonemac wrote: Also, I'm waiting for a download link so I can try it out.
Sure, It`s going to be finished in 2-3 weeks. then I`ll post the download link.
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Re: XtremeOS - An 8086 compatible OS written in pure X86 asm

Post by max »

Prostyle44 wrote:finished
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Re: XtremeOS - An 8086 compatible OS written in pure X86 asm

Post by Prostyle44 »

max wrote:
Prostyle44 wrote:finished
I meant completed of course. :)
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Re: XtremeOS - An 8086 compatible OS written in pure X86 asm

Post by Prostyle44 »

It was diverting from the main goal. Hopefully, I'm planning on taking Nand2Tetris and start OSDev afresh.
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Re: XtremeOS - An 8086 compatible OS written in pure X86 asm

Post by panoramic »

Is there a link to download then test your XtremeOS ?
I know XtremeOS which is a Mandriva Linux distribution :
Is it the same ?
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Re: XtremeOS - An 8086 compatible OS written in pure X86 asm

Post by clementttttttttt »

msdos 2.0 needed like 64k, ELKS needed 256k minimum and 384k in order to actually run anything else and xenix needed 512k, so i think the memory requirement is a bit unrealistic. i'm currently writing an x86 asm os as well, though it's for my 8088 sbc which has 384k of ram and 128k of rom and is going to be stored in rom instead
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Re: XtremeOS - An 8086 compatible OS written in pure X86 asm

Post by Prostyle44 »

panoramic wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:53 am Is there a link to download then test your XtremeOS ?
I know XtremeOS which is a Mandriva Linux distribution :
Is it the same ?
No, mine was based off MikeOS "https://mikeos.sourceforge.net/". It was a small project I had undertaken in 10th grade without much knowledge on how a computer works. #-o Sadly most of the files were deleted during a computer reset. Here is some files I managed to save:

Not much though. I still think currently developing an OS is beyond me currently. 😅
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