Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations ?

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Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations ?

Post by devc1 »

It just happened to me minutes before this post, Idk why I was just tired and watching the TV, then my brain starts to paralyse me (as always) and I keep on until I move then it paralyses me until I can't keep trying to move, then I started maybe dreaming I don't remember and I'm trying to wake up, after that I just see black and I hear continuous heavy bumping on my ears then I wake up, and I am just verry scared I searched it on google literraly crying from how scarry was that ( I didn't cry years ago). I am still a bit scarred but it reduces by time.

I really thinked that I maybe died or something, the same happened to me once before but I felt my hear bumping until it will explode.
This is the most scary thing I've experienced, now I am not tired and I don't think I will sleep this night.
Have someone experienced this ???
Any advice?
this summer I always have sleep deprivation, sometimes sleep at 5AM, and sleep at morning...

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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by nexos »

It's nothing to worry about. It's normal with sleep paralysis to experience hallucinations and even sleep start.

Inadequate sleep definitely makes this more likely. Insomnia does too.

Again, it's nothing to be concerned about. I've had similar experiences many times :lol: .

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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by devc1 »

Bro, I really thought that I died on that moment LOL !

Anyone can share with us his experience in this topic.

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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by Gigasoft »

Ah, - the most natural place to seek medical advice when you're having hallucinations, of course. I think it would be best for you to go and see a licensed medical practitioner, as an accurate diagnosis can not be made over the internet. Based on your symptoms and post history I do not think you are okay, and you should seek evaluation for possible schizophrenia as well as epilepsy, both of which are highly dangerous conditions that cause irreversible nerve damage when untreated, and which can also often cause serious bodily injury and death. Prolonged insomnia can be one of the early symptoms of schizophrenia, and nocturnal epileptic fits can often be mistaken for sleep paralysis. With early diagnosis and intervention, there is a chance of an eventual full recovery to the point where patients can live a meaningful, rewarding life.
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by nullplan »

Gigasoft wrote:Ah, - the most natural place to seek medical advice when you're having hallucinations, of course.
Also great for life advice, relationship advice, legal advice, and OS programming advice.
Carpe diem!
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by devc1 »

I am alright, when I want to sleep I just sleep without problems. Just my Internal clock is a bit messed up in the summer :). I still get tired when I reach my time so I don't think I have insomnia or whatever I think it happened because I was just too tired and I wanted to stay awake while not moving.

These 2 times are the only one when I had halucinations so I think its normal, I never had them outside of this case (Sleep Paralysis). And they happened to me when I started dreaming paralysed and I try to wake up.

However, I just started this topic for users to share their experiences LOL, and because it was the second time it ever happened to me and the most brutal.
I can remember the BOM BOM BOM BOM lasting for some seconds that was so brutal that my ears closed. However, I am still happy as everyday and that's the matter !

The (as always) means that it always happens when I am too tired and trying to not sleep. This happens to everyone I guess

This is funny right ?

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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by linguofreak »

You get sleep paralysis every night if everything's working right. It's there to prevent your body from acting out everything that you're dreaming you're doing. If that mechanism doesn't work, you end up sleepwalking.

Normally you don't notice sleep paralysis, but if parts of the waking up / going to sleep process happen in the wrong order, you can end up conscious before the sleep paralysis is over, or having the sleep paralysis start before you lose consciousness.

You also tend to hallucinate every night. It's called dreaming. The dream <-> consciousness transition can really suck if the timing of sleep paralysis ends up not being what it should.
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by devc1 »

Yes, and if you are too tired and trying to not sleep while you're on your bed not moving. You will notice that you will start to get paralysed, and to get over it you will have to put a great force to move.

What happened is that I did it multiple times, until my brain forced me to dream. When I was dreaming, I tried to wake up (forcibly) and this what caused this halucination.

HOWEVER, THIS WAS NOT A HALUCINATION, THIS WAS HELL. It was sooooo loooud (contiguous BOOM BOOMs) like my brain is really angry and beating me up that my ears automatically closed. I felt like a slave. I really thaught that god is punishing me and that I died LOL.

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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by Gigasoft »

This is because all the neurons in your auditory cortex are firing at once. This is an abnormal condition called a seizure, and will cause tissue scarring as you describe, increasing the risk of further seizures and leading to skill detoriation and other undesireable effects. Patients often describe an oscillating buzzing or broad spectrum noise increasing in amplitude until they lose consciousness. This may happen due to a positive biofeedback loop and can in these cases be averted by conscious inhibition of the loop. Other warning signs include sharp spikes of activity such as flashes, or a pricking sensation that moves across your body. Typically, after a seizure, in what is called the postictal phase you may feel groggy, fatigued and shaken for a while and may have a headache.

I had one of these episodes at age 14, triggered by a flashing nightlamp in a dream, characterized by a very loud noise, bright cyan flashes accompanied by voices, inability to move, increased breathing and heart rate, a heightened sensation of fear and mistaking my heartbeat for a horse galloping around outside my bedroom. I have also occasionally had sleep transitions induced by the above mentioned biofeedback pattern. Nothing showed up on MRI scans, but functioning became impaired and it took a long time to recover after the incident.

The following story makes me feel a bit guilty, I once e-mailed a person and asked about his viewpoints on experiences of this sort coming from his field of authority, and he must have gone and experimented with it for himself, because he immediately went on to post increasingly strange ramblings about visits from gods and whatnot before completely disappearing from the internet. So, it seems I may have accidentally infected someone with epilepsy. Whoops.
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by devc1 »

Idk why our brain tries to do this to us : )
Gods, what are you talking about ?? Are you hindu ::)
However, I think it is just a brain misfunction. I've read that the brain just thinks that you're unconsious and you're actually not. This is why I believe that we have a spirit, because we just command the brain, we are not the brain. When you want to think about the past, you just ask it from your brain and bom, you're thinking about the past.

When we were childs, thaught about gods, we were always thinking about one. However, lets just continue life.
I sometimes think of it as a contradictionnary, but I really don't know and just thinking about.

I will share with you this, I started to see "Islam" as the only religion that fits my mind. Because christianity is just contradictionnary. How can god be dependent of other gods, get from the high rank to the low and disguise as human, eat and go to the toilet ? I always thinked that 'Muslims' are bad, but their book just says the opposite. I am still thinking about it.

However they say that when we sleep, we die (the small death) and we get revived when we wake up, I find it pretty logical. It is the definition of our sudden unconscioussy when sleeping. I still don't know and still searching the right one.
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by nexos »

devc1 wrote:Because christianity is just contradictionnary. How can god be dependent of other gods, get from the high rank to the low and disguise as human, eat and go to the toilet ?
At the risk of this thread being locked, I want to clear up a few things.

God isn't dependent on other gods. The whole Bible makes it clear that their is one God. Have you heard of the trinity? Basically, it's one God in three persons (or even three representations).

He didn't "disguise" as a human, but rather came to earth in the form of a human but with the spirit of God. In other words, he acted like God and was God, but was still in the form of a human. And he would have told you he was God on earth too, hence there was no "disguise"

Hopefully that make sense.
devc1 wrote:However they say that when we sleep, we die (the small death) and we get revived when we wake up, I find it pretty logical.
Tell me where you found this. Wherever you did, don't trust that source. That's far from the truth. You don't die in your sleep, but simply transition to another state of consciousness.
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by Gigasoft »

Gods, what are you talking about ?? Are you hindu ::)
Please reread carefully, it is a simple sentence. There is no reason I would be a hindu based on my retelling of what someone else posted on the internet, is it? (And no, he wasn't a hindu either.)
However, I think it is just a brain misfunction. I've read that the brain just thinks that you're unconsious and you're actually not.
While sleep paralysis is indeed a thing, your symptoms are indicative of something potentially far more serious which needs to be checked out. Better to be safe than sorry.
I always thinked that 'Muslims' are bad, but their book just says the opposite.
Ah, who would have thought a book written by muslims would be saying positive things about muslims. To lay the case dead let's just say the sun does not actually set into a pit of mud at night as the muslims claim. I also have a broken jaw and nose from having the audacity to take a stroll in town on angry muslim day if you are entertaining any ideas about muslims being somehow "good". An office was broken into in the muslims' effort to get to me so they could off me for no reason at all that I know of, over 1500 miles from the nearest muslim country. Police vehicles were damaged. In Nigeria they burned down a school so they could kill a girl. Are you sure that this is an organization that you want to be affiliated with? Sure, it might make you feel tough, but what if hell is real?
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by devc1 »

I didn't say that I follow them, I am just searching and inspecting. And if you are evaluating a religion by bad people, you are totally wrong. I respect them, there are so humble and good muslims also that follow their religion. Do you evaluate christianity because of bad christians ? The answer is no, there are always people who carry the name of their religion without following it. There are also christian,jew,hindu... terrorists and serial killers so you can't say about jews,christians,hindus, muslims or whatever that they are all bad because of some people. I agree that we should be aware of them, because that's how the mental pattern recognition works, but not everyone is a serial killer. I have some muslim friends who are soo humble and so nice and they follow their religion.
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by devc1 »

However, they never said that the "sun set into a pit of mud at night". This topic talks about it : ... ddy-spring .

I still does not know alot about their book, but I heard no one ever found a contradiction in it, and all the contradictions I was told were wrong so you just should search.
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Re: Anyone has had this sleep parallysis with halucinations

Post by devc1 »

Gigasoft wrote: I had one of these episodes at age 14
Oh My God, My first time with a sleep paralysis hypnopompic halucination was at age 14 too !
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