I am a bit confused about this statement. My experience is quite different, both at work and in open source projects. It is not about "history grooming" but rather about making changes after code review. The usual workflow is:Solar wrote:I am targeting the 90% of cases which, to my experience and that of a sizeable number of colleagues I have spoken with so far, are not considering the kind of detailed history grooming you are describing, open source or not.
To me (and many others), keeping commits small and singular in purpose is something done before you commit, because that is the way to work effectively. For me (and many others), the ability to rewrite published history (by purpose, or worse, by accident) is something that would be a show-stopper if there weren't outside forces at work that make using a different VCS a non-option.
1) prepare a series of commits
2) push them to a private feature branch
3) post a merge request and get a code review (by a coworker or open source maintainer)
4) fix issues raised in the review, proceed to step 2)
5) merge the private feature branch into trunk
I've used this practice both with Git and with SVN (and CVS

If we are talking about rewriting the history of trunk (or public feature branches), we can agree that this is not a good idea. But I don't think that that's a controversial statement; people do not rewrite the Git history of public branches. If you want to make sure that no modifications are done to public branches at all, doesn't it make more sense to distinguish between public and private branches and prevent rewrites on private branches?