In 1987, there were a great many operating systems worse than Unix. I think only a few OSs were better, and they mostly cost Big Money or came with Big Money hardware. OS/9 is one of the "worse" OSs of that era; I recall someone complaining about having to work with it on this forum. It's a bit hard to search for without getting Mac references though. Some of the worse OSs made life difficult by trying to deny you opportunities to do something wrong. Thus, you had to work very hard to do anything interesting. Or their APIs would just be badly designed. A common issue was taking features which could complement each other & making it hard to use them together. Or just to invent a whole different interface for every little feature. We've come a long way.spotracite wrote:A specific quote, however, from 1987 on the Usenet, draws my attention: "Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."
Edit: I forgot the ever-present bugs. Before the Internet, many of the cheaper OSs wouldn't be updated regularly. When they were, old bugs would be replaced by new ones.
As for my plans, they are, as always, different. How different? Well, for example, I could say "What are these 'directories' of which you speak?"