Long Mode Paging on the Wiki

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Long Mode Paging on the Wiki

Post by foliagecanine »

When researching long mode paging for this topic, I noticed that the wiki page on Paging doesn't address long mode paging.
Neither does the PAE page.
In fact, I haven't found a single place on the wiki that mentions the structures required for long mode paging (PML4 entry, PDP entry, etc).

Would it be a good idea to add this to the wiki?
If so, under which page title would it fit best?
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Re: Long Mode Paging on the Wiki

Post by iansjack »

Does the Wiki need to repeat what is detailed in the Intel and AMD programmer's manuals? I would say no. I'd even go so far as to say it's a very good idea if people are forced to refer to the manuals. The differences between 32- and 64-bit are minimal in this instance.

But that's just my opinion (I'm very much in favour of RTFM in general). If you want to write an article about it then go ahead and place it wherever you would have found it most useful.
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