bzt, like I didn't know you are hopeless. ignorant and proud. did you really think I expect you to listen to my suggestions? or even react on them? I just wrote my opinion on the matter for other readers to face another point of view for not thinking your wrong understanding of the specification is really something good. needless to say, I am not gonna point you in your numerous wrong claims again. it's proven many times on this forum by many different people - you are a troublesome person, not being able to listen.
Or should I? for helping newcomers not to trap into your twisted visions.
That's a lie, I'm the Original Poster and I have no troubles with partitions.
Creating a GPT is not harder than creating an MBR table, see our wiki with fdisk
command examples. If someone has problems using fdisk, then they would equally
have problems creating MBR tables too.
you caught me! the OP is you and you surely don't have troubles messing up with your bootboot.
but I meant the guy, asking questions about his troubles getting your creature to work if you didn't get.
harder may be that fact, that modifying ESP in some circumstances is harder than an ordinary FAT volume. what I said.
GPT may be unavailable for some (virtual) disk sizes. SD cards cannot be formatted with it, without breaking their standard.
ESP is required by the spec. Tell me, how do you boot under UEFI without ESP?
should I make a video for you how I am doing this or draw pictures? you don't get
words? TRY IT BY YOURSELF! create an .vhd with VBox, make there an ordinary FAT volume,
put bootboot there and run it from the UEFI shell, not mounting to your VM any other storage. the machine is without ESP, still perfectly
deals with the FAT volume and lets you run your efi application. both from shell, Boot Manager
and even lets you create a Load Option.
No, the UEFI spec says that firmware must recognize volumes only in the GPT if there's a GPT.
Read the spec "Partition Discovery", MBR partitions should not be and are not recognized when there's a GPT.
wrong! it's such a BS, that I even don't know what to say against. so you say if you attach two disks,
one with GPT and other with MBR, UEFI won't recognize the latter? suure. tell me, when you read this,
did you smoke something, that is prohibited in yet a significant number of countries?
you misunderstood that section. it shows the order in which every storage is scanned. it's first
is checked for GPT, then el torito and then for legacy MBR partitions. you had to read a little farther
the beginning and notice this:
The following is the order in which a block device must be scanned to determine if it contains partitions. When a check for a valid partitioning scheme succeeds, the search terminates.
1. Check for GUID Partition Table Headers.
2. Follow ISO-9660 specification to search for ISO-9660 volume structures on the magic LBA.
3. Check for an “El Torito” volume extension and follow the “El Torito” CD-ROM specification.
4. If none of the above, check LBA 0 for a legacy MBR partition table.
5. No partition found on device.
that doesn't of course mean, that having somewhere GPT, you won't be able to use MBR in another place at the same machine.
and here is the quote, where it's clearly said about all FAT volumes "automatically handled" by the FW, not just
ESP ones. it's in "Simple File System Protocol" section, nearby "Partition discovery". I repeated this several times,
and I suspect you will argue again, I won't respond - wanna see, just go and try it!
UEFI Spec. Simple File System Protocol wrote:
The firmware automatically creates handles for any block device that supports the following file system formats:
• FAT12
• FAT16
• FAT32
Actually your suggestion would impose a stupid limitation, not the current implementation.
It would be a nightmare to use your suggestion on dual-boot machines and on embedded systems
without user interface.
Whether you can comprehend or not, the thing is, the BOOTBOOT loader is not allowed to make
any modifications on the system. And it is not allowed to prompt the user, because it must
work in a remote / embedded environment, when there's no user at all to prompt. Deal with it!
Exactly. It is easy to see there would be a mess if every OS loader would set itself as default in a multi OS environment.
You are obviously just trolling. Nobody ever said, you can't rename the loader to FS0:/BOOTBOOT/LOADER.EFI and use
LoadFile from the boot manager IF you have a boot manager. But if you don't have a configured boot manager, then
you MUST use the default name, defined by the UEFI spec. Pointless to argue about this.
you are so comprehensive, yet fail to understand such an elementary thing - no matter interactive the system is or not,
if it's gonna be multi OS, or even not, the user chooses what the default would be. by setting the freaking boot order while
setting the machine up! not by the lame demanding to put the loader into \efi\boot\bootx64.efi
btw, if the same user will install a normal OS after your bootboot, the latter never will be run. because
the way you chose to put it with your "philosophy", it's not registered with the system, so it's absent in Load Options.
and no matter what the type of the system is, every loader installed, is supposed to create a Load Option for itself.
that's basically the main point. what you do is trickery to avoid that because you think on embedded systems it
would be cool.

no, it wouldn't!
what your bootboot is not allowed is not a proof of the truth, it's a proof of poor design desicions,
not understanding the specification, not wanting to listen to criticism and not understanding even the
fact, that your embedded system still must be interacted with at least at the set up time. so this "not allowed"
is just a nonsense, not a virtue.
"configured boot manager" wtf does it mean? you either have a BootXXXX variable for your loader, as it's supposed to be or,
for lamers, demand your poor users using \efi\boot\bootx64.efi
with the OS installer, one just sets up BootXXXX variable, the user still can go and change the order in which to arrange OSs for
booting. non-interactive systems still need to be set up and their embedded nature, doesn't prevent from using the normal way
of installing the UEFI OSL. \efi\boot\bootXXX.efi was created as a last resort for just one shot run - you put the installer UEFI
application on the USB thumb drive, run it and wipe out after it's done. using it on non removable storages is LAME AF. it was put into the
specification for the sake of completeness - for the Boot Manager to let the last chance to run something. and that "something", won't be run if there is at least one Load Option present at the system and your users won't be able to change that, because your "something" is not in Load Options and EVEN if they go and create such a Load Option manually for you, pointing to \efi\boot\bootx64.efi, where your philosophy dictated to put it, it will be f&cked up instantly, once next lamery that demands putting there arrives. cheers.