Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

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Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by manhobby »

Do you knows anyone who can be a committed Technical Editor (and part-time Cheerleader) of book Programming for Beginners: Learn to Code by Making Little Games in Plain English from Gerry Rzeppa?
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by iansjack »

What do you mean by "committed Technical Editor (and part-time Cheerleader)"?
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by manhobby »

iansjack wrote:What do you mean by "committed Technical Editor (and part-time Cheerleader)"?
There is no formal contract for the job offered above. The Gerry Rzeppa don't like formal contracts, and there is no need in any case. The Gerry only team up with people whom he trust, and who trust in Gerry. So Gerry and the other guy handle the job in a very informal way. Gerry Rzeppa ask for a photo and/or more information and the other guy sends it to Gerry. Gerry and the other guy write back and forth, and when Gerry feel like he've gotten something of value, Gerry put some money into the other guy's Paypal account. If Gerry and the other guy are having fun and learning things, Gerry and the other guy repeat the process. There is no long-term commitment; either party can quit at any time. It is not a big deal.

The qualifications of the Technical Editor (and part-time Cheerleader) of book Programming for Beginners: Learn to Code by Making Little Games in Plain English from Gerry Rzeppa are the same as Feedback Providers plus the candidate must also be an expert in programming and/or teaching.

In short, Gerry only hire an individual when Gerry know enough about him to trust him, and to think he might be able to contribute something of value to the project.

The qualifications that Gerry Rzeppa require to provide feedback are a picture and a resume and links where Gerry Rzeppa can find out more about the candidate. Plus a burning desire to learn everything there is to know about Plain English programming. The ability to read and write English is helpful, but not strictly necessary (but a burning desire to read and write English is required).

The following contract for Plain English Feedback Providers is the following contract:


I, Gerry Rzeppa, Grand Negus of the Osmosian Order of Plain English Programmers (hereinafter, the Negus) will pay $1 (One USD) for each question that serves to improve the quality of our Plain English compiler and Integrated Development Environment, or training materials related thereto.

Feedback Providers must identify themselves with an email address, a photo, and a resume (or links to the equivalent).

Feedback Providers must be able to read and write English, or must demonstrate a burning desire to learn to read and write English.

Feedback Providers must demonstrate a burning desire to learn how to program desktop applications, for Windows, in Plain English. Prior programming experience is not required.

Payments are made, via Paypal only, each time a Feedback Provider has accrued ten helpful questions to his or her account. The determination of whether a question is helpful or not is made at the sole discretion of the Negus.

If you are interested in participating in this program, contact me at this address: [email protected]

EDIT: The price that Gerry pay to provide feedback is the following price:

It depends. Gerry would gladly pay a experienced guy - who has a picture and a resume and a website and who has written a book about programming, $10 a page for in-depth review and feedback (or about $1,200 for the whole project -- $10 per page times 120 pages). Gerry generally pay beginners $1 for each intelligent question that serves to improve the material (or about $360 for the whole project -- $1 per question times 3 questions per page times 120 pages).
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by manhobby »

Does anyone want to be a committed Technical Editor (and part-time Cheerleader) of book Programming for Beginners: Learn to Code by Making Little Games in Plain English from Gerry Rzeppa?

Do you knows anyone who can be a committed Technical Editor (and part-time Cheerleader) of book Programming for Beginners: Learn to Code by Making Little Games in Plain English from Gerry Rzeppa?
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by iansjack »

Sorry, Gerry, but from your posts to date on these forums I would have no interest whatsoever in collaborating with you.
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by manhobby »

iansjack wrote:Sorry, Gerry, but from your posts to date on these forums I would have no interest whatsoever in collaborating with you.

I am not Gerry Rzeppa.

Why you said that I am Gerry Rzeppa?
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by iansjack »

If you are not Gerry, what authority do you have to make such an offer?

This all seems most irregular.
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by manhobby »


The Gerry said to me he wants to hire a committed Technical Editor (and part-time Cheerleader) of book Programming for Beginners: Learn to Code by Making Little Games in Plain English.

Please send a email to [email protected]
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by iansjack »

Having found out a little about Gerry Rzeppa from Google I have to say that this is still not a project that I would wish to be associated with.

You might find it more productive if the author himself posted his job offer rather than going through a third party.
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by iansjack »

Having found out a little about Gerry Rzeppa from Google I have to say that this is still not a project that I would wish to be associated with.

You might find it more productive if the author himself posted his job offer rather than going through a third party.
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by manhobby »

iansjack wrote:Having found out a little about Gerry Rzeppa from Google I have to say that this is still not a project that I would wish to be associated with.

You might find it more productive if the author himself posted his job offer rather than going through a third party.

What did you find about Gerry Rzeppa?

Why this is still not a project that you would wish to be associated with?
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by DavidCooper »

I think what's happened here is that manhobby is trying to help a friend, while Gerry has no idea that he's doing this for him (and would likely not be happy about it if he knew, because it may make him look silly). You can see that manhobby is copying and pasting things without checking it carefully, hence the "If you are interested in participating in this program, contact me at this address: [email protected]" part where he makes it look as if he is Gerry. Of course, if anyone competent to do the job likes the idea of taking it on, then it may not have been a mistake, but I very much doubt that the right person will be found here.
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by manhobby »

DavidCooper wrote:I think what's happened here is that manhobby is trying to help a friend, while Gerry has no idea that he's doing this for him (and would likely not be happy about it if he knew, because it may make him look silly). You can see that manhobby is copying and pasting things without checking it carefully, hence the "If you are interested in participating in this program, contact me at this address: [email protected]" part where he makes it look as if he is Gerry. Of course, if anyone competent to do the job likes the idea of taking it on, then it may not have been a mistake, but I very much doubt that the right person will be found here.

I said to Gerry that I posted this topic in a email.

The Gerry answered these email and sent a copy of these email to you, David.

David, you still not read these copy of email that the Gerry sent to you?
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by DavidCooper »

manhobby wrote:I said to Gerry that I posted this topic in a email.

The Gerry answered these email and sent a copy of these email to you, David.

David, you still not read these copy of email that the Gerry sent to you?
You sent me an email which included a copy of a message from him to you in which he referred to this thread here, apparently not knowing what it was about. He told you not to start threads and then expect him to start posting in them. However, you've made the announcement for him and that should suffice. Anyone who wants to take it on can contact him. Those who don't can ignore it. There is no need for any further discussion in this thread.
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Re: Book Programming for Beginners from Gerry Rzeppa

Post by Love4Boobies »

This is the weirdest thread.
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