OS Project list

This forums is for OS project announcements including project openings, new releases, update notices, test requests, and job openings (both paying and volunteer).
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Re: OS Project list

Post by MichaelWaisJr »

I just posted Operation Replicant, which is still in the extremely embryonic phase of brainstorming and development.

I'm starting to get that project together. I've already considered what a lot of the hardware most likely ought to be for the game console. I only took some extremely rudimentary classes on programming and computer science so I'm treading hard into virgin territory here. I'm hoping that some people who have quite a bit of expertise in either coding or building OSes might like to work on the project and hopefully become part of a team that can help put it together.

Have an awesome evening, all.

Peace Out,
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Re: OS Project list

Post by SopaXorzTaker »

YaxOS - Yet Another eXperimental Operating System.
Contact: markboldyrev+yaxos-AT-gmail-DOT-com.
URL: https://gitlab.com/SopaXorzTaker/yaxos.

YaxOS is a really primitive OS that can boot off and read a FAT32 partition.
A bootloader with the scripts for creating a complete disk image with MBR is included too.
It runs in real mode and features region-based memory allocation that's really prone to fragmentation.
Besides that, there's a simple shell built into the kernel which can load and execute binaries off the disk.
There's a few system calls that allow allocating memory, performing console I/O and reading the file system available via interrupts.
Kah toh-dye!

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Re: OS Project list

Post by nintyfan »

* ''KISS'em' - A new kind of OS (currently only kernel is partially implemented - very small, even without dynamic memory support, but have object support)
** Contact: Sławomir Lach ([email protected])
** URL: [viewtopic.php?f=2&p=287624#p287624 https://sourceforge.net/p/kiss-em/blog/ ... pre-alpha/]

I don't know (expect Polish Linux) system, allowing to translate or eliminate kernel messages.
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Re: OS Project list

Post by frednora »

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Re: OS Project list

Post by arshadlatti »

I would like to add my project to OSDev.org project page.
i want from the moderator to add it to the projects page,or guide me how to add to projects list.
Project Name: PlusOS (Plus Operating System) .
project page :https://sourceforge.net/projects/plusos/
contact: [email protected]

Plusos is now in prototype stage here whole lots of goals and wish list.
Plus operating system is hobby project.
That's built to run as auxiliary OS with Major OS like Windows and Linux etc..
bootable with grub2 and own boot loader.
focused on eBook reading software(PDF,EPUB,MOBI,DJVU,CHM...).
with programs like calculator, notepad,source code editor, hex viewer, text viewer,image viewer and many games.
VESA 32bpp GUI from startup.
read-only plus maybe writing support for standard file systems FAT/NTFS/EXT/CDFS.
codec for archives(ZIP,RAR,7z,GZ ...).
codec for image formats(JPG,BMP,GIF,PNG...).
video player or at least thumbnails extract(AVI,MKV,MP4,3GP...).
mountable as filesystem from ISO,ISZ file.
generic drivers VBE,USB,HD Audio,Keyboard, mouse.
bootable on qemu and of course on real computer systems.
at least all drivers for one computer (my) this is primary goal.
In summary goal is building a stable and usefull OS.
A Project By Muhammad Arshad Latti.
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Re: OS Project list

Post by PeyTy »

Added GreenteaOS, which aims to run .exe files from Windows https://wiki.osdev.org/User:Peyty/GreenteaOS

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Re: OS Project list

Post by mmdmine »

my os is named pacifyOS.
i have stopped working on it when i didn't find any idea to abstract irq and interrupts. code was getting dirty. i'll continue it from summer when i got diploma and went from high school.
i think my design of the boot loader is too good. i like it. also i have splited the vga and console,then i can write another driver for text rendering and i use it without rewriting the console codes or even i can switch them at runtime.
my project is only a hello world by now but i'm reading about interrupts and APIC to continue it.
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Re: OS Project list

Post by portasynthinca3 »

My project is named Neutron. Right now it's in a pretty questionable state as I just have migrated to UEFI and 64 bits, so I really need to catch up on the driver side a lot. It already has a somewhat working GUI and a pair builtin applications including the terminal; as well as ACPI support. A huge lot of things still need to be done, though, but I'm working on it. According to my plans this system will be an UEFI-only, x86-64-only, 3-ring (0, 1, 3), single-user, multitasking, graphical operating system.
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Re: OS Project list

Post by jlxip »

jotaOS is an x86 operating system made in C++ that I've been working on since June 21 2019 (almost a year ago). It's not just a kernel, but aims to be a whole set of projects.

GitHub organization: https://github.com/jotaOS
Main repository: https://github.com/jotaOS/jotaOS

I'm trying to make everything myself, and by everything I mean everything: bootloader, standard library, filesystem (JOTAFS, similar to ext2 but arguably worse), all system utilities, cryptographic library, editor... Maybe in the future I will make a C++ compiler, but I can't say for sure, it's a hard task.

I try to document most things I do (which are not generic to all OS and might have some degree of interest) in the wiki of the corresponding project inside of the GH organization.

jotaOS is still in a pretty early stage, I try to dedicate as much time as I can to it, but university is in the way, so...
I have taken breaks from it, some have took even more than a month (mainly because of uni), but I'm planning on developing it in the long term, as I do my best to make adding new things convenient (modular) and I do mostly stuff that seems fun to me.

Here's my (almost) daily updated TODO list, where I jot things that come to my mind: https://jlxip.net/jotaOS/TODO.html
There's no automated ISO building yet but hopefully will be soon.

The motivation behind this project is that I firmly believe that the best way to truly know every aspect of computers in depth is to try to make everything yourself. This way, I'm learning a whole lot in the journey about things like computers at the low level, drivers, filesystems, networking, process handling, schedulers, the mathematics behind cryptography... For instance, a few days ago I finished my implementation of a Red-Black tree, from which I've learned a lot about data structures (definitely more than what's teached in uni).

I just wanted to leave this here as a historical note of sorts. I don't really recommend any of you to try it at the present time, as has literally zero utility (right now you only have an echo shell). If you read this post a few months (or years!) later in time, please go check how I'm going, will I have abandoned it? Will it have some functionality? Only time will tell.

Finally, I would like to give my most sincere thanks to the OSDev.org community, without which I would have never been able to begin this amazing journey. Thanks to all of those who write the wiki, and to those who solve questions in the forums.

Good luck with your projects!
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Re: OS Project list

Post by sunnysideup »

I've been working on KSOS, a simple operating system that hopes to be a good place to learn operating system implementation. I have the code here: https://github.com/acmiitr/KSOS. The project has been made a part of our institute's ACM Student Body, and I am hoping to move do some good process management, followed by graphics and windowing. I've learnt a lot, and plan to do a lot more.

Cheers and good luck!
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Re: OS Project list

Post by nexos »

I am working on NexNix, which is a Unix like Operating system. It will be mostly POSIX compliant, but will not be fully compliant due to several design choices. Currently, it has process management, a graphical framebuffer, a memory manager, a basic DOS and Unix hybrid Virtual Filesystem, and user mode thread support. Code can be found at https://github.com/NexSuite/NexNix
"How did you do this?"
"It's very simple — you read the protocol and write the code." - Bill Joy
Projects: NexNix | libnex | nnpkg
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Re: OS Project list

Post by Rhodez »

Hi all,
first time I'm here.

Together with my two study bodies, we have two projects going which I have added to the wiki.

The first is SingOS where we have gathered experience with OS-dev. It will mostly focus to be compliant with the original IBM PC BIOS. We have a historical computer collection at the university where we once in a while power on the machines, and why not run an OS of our own.
I have a little video from SingOS 2 year anniversary where we boot on a computer from 1992
with an Intel 386sx processor https://guld-berg.dk/386sx-boot.MOV.

In the next project we are going to create something which hopefully are going to be very innovative for Operating Systems.
The system is named QuasiOS and will be a full functionally x86 64-bit operating system.

For my master thesis I will develop a password capability-based system with a cryptographic file system which will be a part of the system.
The other guys will focus on modularized kernel where the modules is hot swappable, which hopefully will give us live updates, and as the last thing easy configuration and interaction.

There will be a lots of updates the next year when I can work "full time" on the project due to the master thesis is related. I also hope to get webpages, git repoes etc. in better shape such that it is easier to follow.

Thanks for your time,
I will stick close around since I finally can get going on the project for good.
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Re: OS Project list

Post by lexasub »

* lf-os - Hobby operating system for amd64 with high ambitions
** Contact: Mara Sophie Grosch ([email protected])
** URL: [https://praios.lf-net.org/littlefox/lf-os_amd64]

* Sivelkiria - is a new operating system at early stage of development. It aims to provide a platform which unites all software solutions into a harmonic whole, thus taking user experience to the next level. In Sivelkiria, compatibility of all programs is guaranteed by design. Using any device becomes easy and comfortable. The software designed for Sivelkiria OS can be used in any context.
** Contact: Dmitry ([email protected] – regarding joining or supporting the project, [email protected] – any other requests.)
** URL: [https://www.sivelkiria.org/]
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Re: OS Project list

Post by puntillol59 »

* '''vuOS'''
** Contact: Lucas Puntillo ([email protected])
** URL: [https://puntillol59.github.io/vuOS/]
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Re: OS Project list

Post by Kamal123 »

Contact: [email protected]
URL: https://github.com/manaskamal/aurora-xeneva

Aurora's-Xeneva is an new operating system which aims to be an mature operating system with support for ARM64 for embedded devices and x86_64 architecture with modern hardwares. Currently, the kernel got hdaudio, e1000 drivers, priwm graphics compositor and a c library written from scratch. Drivers are loaded as dll files.
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