By the way, because I am an original person with a fine sense of humor, Tumux stand for "Tutul Make a UniX like" ^^"
What's the plan ?
Curently, I want tumux to be a posix compliant with multiboot v2 support. I will try to be as up-to-date as possible and using standard from GNU world and other. Posix would make porting GNU app easier.
I try to plan tumux as a micro-kernel. But, by definition, it'll be more like as modular as possible. Probably between both concept. Both ? yea because I plan to write a kernel with only memory and cpu managment, and high level of virtualisation for other stuff. If I go where I want, tumux would required modules to access all hardware. I think modular kernel aren't so module dependent. But micro-kernel use service into userland. So I think I more a mix of both.
Do I want help
Yes and no. It can be very interrsting to have other point of view and all constructive criticism is good for me. But I don't want to manage a team and I don't want to be constrained.
But I try to make the code readable, with comment and doc. So other people can read and help. Try to keep the code clean and keep in mind that one day maybe, these project will be bigger (dream but force me to keep code nice).
And script for automatic build is ready, clean script too.
So if you want to see, you're welcom. Try using fork/pull request

What's working
Not very much at thse time. My kernel boot from multiboot v2 compliant bootloader (grub2). Initialize paging and use higher half principle.
Because I code most of the time on a limited laptop, compilation time for testing is too big. So I use a testing git branch for that. Making it ugly.
Curently, I'm writing a minimalist C loader code into the kernel to setup paging for kernel, low and MBI and manage almost all kind of problem during the early stage.
I will try to keep some up-to-date informations here but the best place to check is the git.
TumuxOS github :
no website for now because it's not very usefull at these point!
The all project is under MIT license (check, because I know it's not the real name for it so check wich one on that link).