Does anyone on this forum made any complex kind of OS?

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Does anyone on this forum made any complex kind of OS?

Post by TheDev100 »

Hey guys. Does anyone on this forum made any complex kind of OS? I mean like something that has a GUI, filesystem, multitasking, lots of applications and many functions. I mean like something that is fully functional.

It would be quite interesting. Many of the projects I've seen are command lines and basic GUIs.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum made any complex kind of OS?

Post by BrightLight »

I have a GUI, multitasking, filesystem implementation, and all the basic necessities required to create useful applications. I wouldn't write any applications though other than a shell, a calculator (which I have already written), a clock, a text editor, a file manager and a FASM port.

EDIT: A GUI has nothing to do with a complex OS. A command-line OS can be very functional, too, you know.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum made any complex kind of OS?

Post by dozniak »

TheDev100 wrote:like something that is fully functional.
Yes, there are fully functional OSes that run many apps, including gcc, python etc ports. You could have found that out yourself by looking through the OS list on the wiki, or searching forum threads (use Search function), or just googling.

I guess you just want to maintain conversation. This is forum about OS D*E*V*E*L*O*P*M*E*N*T so keep it on topic.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum made any complex kind of OS?

Post by Geri »



Toaru OS:
Operating system for SUBLEQ cpu architecture:
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