pop up ads
pop up ads
i got a question. how can i make my own ad that will pop up. i want to make an ad for my web site. that would be cool. know of a program or something?
Re:pop up ads
There are programs...if you get junk mail...you will eventually get an email telling you about them
Re:pop up ads
well i wanted a program i could download. i would then need someone to put it on there site right? it doesnt just go on the internet. im thinking kazaa......
Re:pop up ads
If you want to ever get rid of popup ads while your on the internet and they popup, just press ctrtl + w and it will delete them.
Or you can get a program if you want that will do the same thing.
Or you can get a program if you want that will do the same thing.
Re:pop up ads
Just a question: why would you want to help propagate one of the most annoying things ever invented, the pop up ad?
Re:pop up ads
A pop up can be controlled by HTML javascript. You don't need a program for it...I will edit this post in a little while with an example.
Although, I do agree that pop-ups are evil and annoying. Then again...I don't know what context you intend on using it for...I used one once to open a seperate small window with a flash movie playing music.
Okay here it is:
Okay...I've been trying to confirm that this works and failing. I don't understand why. I just cut and pasted. Anyway, this is the basic javascript you need to make a pop up. It is set up on a timeline. You can do it without a timeline but I don't really know how. Dreamweaver has spoiled me.
Although, I do agree that pop-ups are evil and annoying. Then again...I don't know what context you intend on using it for...I used one once to open a seperate small window with a flash movie playing music.
Okay here it is:
Code: Select all
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0
function MM_timelinePlay(tmLnName, myID) { //v1.2
var i,j,tmLn,props,keyFrm,sprite,numKeyFr,firstKeyFr,propNum,theObj,firstTime=false;
if (document.MM_Time == null) MM_initTimelines(); //if *very* 1st time
tmLn = document.MM_Time[tmLnName];
if (myID == null) { myID = ++tmLn.ID; firstTime=true;}//if new call, incr ID
if (myID == tmLn.ID) { //if Im newest
fNew = ++tmLn.curFrame;
for (i=0; i<tmLn.length; i++) {
sprite = tmLn[i];
if (sprite.charAt(0) == 's') {
if (sprite.obj) {
numKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames.length; firstKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[0];
if (fNew >= firstKeyFr && fNew <= sprite.keyFrames[numKeyFr-1]) {//in range
for (j=0; j<sprite.values.length; j++) {
props = sprite.values[j];
if (numKeyFr != props.length) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
} else {
while (keyFrm<numKeyFr && fNew>=sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]) keyFrm++;
if (firstTime || fNew==sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm-1]) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
} } } } }
} else if (sprite.charAt(0)=='b' && fNew == sprite.frame) eval(sprite.value);
if (fNew > tmLn.lastFrame) tmLn.ID = 0;
} }
function MM_timelineStop(tmLnName) { //v1.2
if (document.MM_Time == null) MM_initTimelines(); //if *very* 1st time
if (tmLnName == null) //stop all
for (var i=0; i<document.MM_Time.length; i++) document.MM_Time[i].ID = null;
else document.MM_Time[tmLnName].ID = null; //stop one
function MM_initTimelines() {
//MM_initTimelines() Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
var ns = navigator.appName == "Netscape";
document.MM_Time = new Array(1);
document.MM_Time[0] = new Array(3);
document.MM_Time["Timeline1"] = document.MM_Time[0];
document.MM_Time[0].MM_Name = "Timeline1";
document.MM_Time[0].fps = 15;
document.MM_Time[0][0] = new String("behavior");
document.MM_Time[0][0].frame = 3;
document.MM_Time[0][0].value = "MM_openBrWindow('file:///C%7C/My%20Documents/juncmodule.com/Site2/popupwindow.html','pop','width=20,height=20')";
document.MM_Time[0][1] = new String("behavior");
document.MM_Time[0][1].frame = 1;
document.MM_Time[0][1].value = "MM_timelinePlay('Timeline1')";
document.MM_Time[0][2] = new String("behavior");
document.MM_Time[0][2].frame = 5;
document.MM_Time[0][2].value = "MM_timelineStop()";
document.MM_Time[0].lastFrame = 5;
for (i=0; i<document.MM_Time.length; i++) {
document.MM_Time[i].ID = null;
document.MM_Time[i].curFrame = 0;
document.MM_Time[i].delay = 1000/document.MM_Time[i].fps;
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="MM_timelinePlay('Timeline1')">
Pop UP! caller
Re:pop up ads
well, I used pop-ups once for a legitimate purpose, too. Unfortunately, leave it to money to encourage people to do stupid things. At least popup windows aren't as annoying as the popup ads that are embedded in the web page itself so you can't really do anything about them.
anyway, all you really need for a popup window is window.open(), if you're using JavaScript. It's not terribly difficult to use.
anyway, all you really need for a popup window is window.open(), if you're using JavaScript. It's not terribly difficult to use.
Re:pop up ads
i wanted one just to attract more visitors to my site. i agree they are annoying, but who cares!! Its for my site!!! ;D jk.
Re:pop up ads
Well, if you just want visitors...
A friend of mine once wrote some sort of virus (or a worm, or whatever the right name is). It sends an e-mail to everyone in your addressbook when you open the mail... In the mail you just write something about your website... blablabla
But you better don't do that kind of stuff, it's not very nice. ::)
A friend of mine once wrote some sort of virus (or a worm, or whatever the right name is). It sends an e-mail to everyone in your addressbook when you open the mail... In the mail you just write something about your website... blablabla
But you better don't do that kind of stuff, it's not very nice. ::)
Re:pop up ads
Nope, It was all done in Dreamweaver. That code includes a timeline so you could set it up to do any number of events over a period of time. You could have a pop up window open up after a visitor has been on your site for two minutes, or only let a visitor look at a page for a few seconds and then redirect them, or just any kind of thing. Dreamweaver is really great...except for the fact that it makes you forget all of that HTML you learned long ago... ::)
Although, I must admit that Joel's solution was a little more efficient.
Although, I must admit that Joel's solution was a little more efficient.
Re:pop up ads
Dreamweaver is actually really nice. It allows me to manage a large site rather easily. As soon as eperfect.net sets up my second account having Dreamweaver will be even more important. There is going to be a lot to manage between the two servers. Without dreamweaver I think I would be in hell. As far as writting pages in dreamweaver...I don't have the time to code out simple pages, not when my site has over a dozen pages and is growing quickly.
Re:pop up ads
That is ok i guess....BUT it is still cheating! ;D