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Some code is not commented yet and there are some bugs, but I release a preliminary 0.1.1 only to for now. It is written in assembly.
You can play a bit with the kernel to find some potential bugs I have not spotted yet. Try also to change the kernel to test functions that are not in use. Remember: it is still in pre-alpha.
Also, you need to run it on a real machine or in an emulator that can emulate USB.
Known problems:
Ext2 code stops at singly indirect blocks.
USB flash drive turns off after some time.
Ok, here it is. Thank you for the suggestion. Also, I overcame a limitation of "display_scroll" and now if the pixel row isn't at a multiple of 16, it scrolls that many rows just to fit the next line. Try it by changing "mov dword [pixel_vert], 0" to any value you want in "kernel.asm".
Now I will start commenting the rest, and fixing remaining bugs and limitations. To help, please report them.
Ehci controller code not commented yet, but I think it is OK to release RC4 with improved ext2 code. Next Monday I expect releasing the final 0.1.1 release (where everything will be commented and code style will be consistent).
Edit: Is there someone that could review my ext2 and ehci code?
Happy testing (I hope this is the last time before final release),