Most recently I've been able to port sortie's libz as well as libpng to userspace. I tried to port freetype but that failed, so in the interim I'm using the public domain STB_TrueType.h library.
Some details about [mx]:
- x86_64 only, I might look into other arches eventually
- All the usual mundane kernel stuff: memory management, multitasking yada yada
- FAT32 RO driver using ATA DMA.
- Custom written libc, with the occasional code 'borrowing' from sortix libc (:
- OS-specific toolchain of course, with libstdc++ support
I actually learned a great deal about C/C++ (especially the lower level stuff) through OSDev, so I'm somewhat proud I have reached a decent standard (to warrant a post here) after like 4 years. I remember my first kernel (even though I'd rather not, I deleted all traces of it from everywhere), it was utter rubbish.
As sortie once said:
The git repo is available at It contains a 'bootstrap script' that will fully setup a working environment to build and test the kernel. Simply run it withsortie wrote: Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road.
Code: Select all
./bootstrap $SIZE_OF_DISK_IMAGE
And now, a screenshot:

Thank you!