[HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to share
Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
Can I say that (in protected mode and unreal mode, the last one should be the default mode at the startup) a segment like CS points to a selector inside the GDT?
EDIT1: There's nothing wrong if I ember my GDT table inside the ROM firmware, right? I waste only a few bytes, then I can copy them in the RAM, if I need it.
EDIT1: There's nothing wrong if I ember my GDT table inside the ROM firmware, right? I waste only a few bytes, then I can copy them in the RAM, if I need it.
Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
There's no reason you can't have a GDT stored in ROM - just make sure that you set the "accessed" flag in each descriptor (otherwise every time the CPU loads the descriptor the "accessed" flag will be clear and the CPU will try to set it, generating pointless writes to ROM).ignus wrote:EDIT1: There's nothing wrong if I ember my GDT table inside the ROM firmware, right? I waste only a few bytes, then I can copy them in the RAM, if I need it.
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.
Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
Oh yeah, something's going to work as it's expected to be.
Even if Bochs drives me crazy (why I'm the only person in the world that cannot make work peter-bochs?) I am able to load the GDT
The problem is: now I load the CS correctly, but points to the memory that is empty (undefined?)
First I have to copy some code to the destination's address, then I can jump there. How can I copy some code there? Well, I don't know
But the main problem is to find a way, after jumped (modified CS) from ROM to RAM, to get back to ROM (wip)
However, does it sound good?
PS: That code is magic
Even if Bochs drives me crazy (why I'm the only person in the world that cannot make work peter-bochs?) I am able to load the GDT

Code: Select all
; at startup:
; - unreal mode
; - CS: 0xF000
; - EIP: 0x0000 FFF0
[BITS 16]
; ================= GDT ======================
dq 0x0000000000000000 ; null desriptor
dq 0x00CF92000000FFFF ; code descriptor
dq 0x00CFFA000000FFFF ; data descriptor
dq 0x00CFF2000000FFFF ; TSS (is not userful)
; size: 8B*4 = 32B
dw 0 ; limit to load
dd 0 ; base addr
mov word [GDTR], 32-1 ; size
mov dword [GDTR+2], GDT ; address
lgdt [GDTR]
loadSegment: ; load all segment to point the area of memory fro bit 0 to 4GB-1
jmp 0x08:.loadMain ; 0x08 point to code segment (CRASH HERE! point to undefined memory)
mov ax, 0x08 ; 8 = offset from GDT (skips null descriptor)
mov cs, ax
mov ax, 0x10 ; 16 = offset from GDT (skips null descriptor and code descriptor)
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 1
mov cr0, eax
jmp $
; todo
jmp loadGDT
; size total = 16B
; code byte = ($ - JUMPtoMAIN)
times (16-($-JUMPtoMAIN)) db 0
First I have to copy some code to the destination's address, then I can jump there. How can I copy some code there? Well, I don't know

But the main problem is to find a way, after jumped (modified CS) from ROM to RAM, to get back to ROM (wip)
However, does it sound good?
PS: That code is magic
Code: Select all
jmp loadGDT
times (16-($-JUMPtoMAIN)) db 0
Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
to ignus:
I think that you have to put some ORG directives in your code (and padding before the final jump), without them translator cannot generate right offsets (and without padding it's hard to put your code in right place).
I think that you have to put some ORG directives in your code (and padding before the final jump), without them translator cannot generate right offsets (and without padding it's hard to put your code in right place).
Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
Previously I used [ORG 0xF000], but even if I delete it, it seems to workNable wrote:to ignus:
I think that you have to put some ORG directives in your code (and padding before the final jump), without them translator cannot generate right offsets (and without padding it's hard to put your code in right place).

Or, at least, [GDTR], [GDRT+2] seems to be loaded correctly (when I type in bochs info sreg recognize 4 segment...)
EDIT1: I wrote something really stupid. In fact, GDT loads wrong (base: 0x0000 0000), I'm trying to fix it. However, ORG is absolutely necessary.
However I decided to set my GDT as this:
0x00 null descriptor
0x08 code segment (from 0x0 to 4GB-1) [cs]
0x10 data segment (from 0x0 to 4GB-1) [ds, fs, gs, ss]
0x18 rom segment (from start rom to 4GB-1) [es]
Is it a good idea? So I can move data from [es:index_a] to [cs:index_b]
EDIT2: It seems that loading GDT would be more difficoult than I thought
Limit is loaded correctly, base address not. If someone is interested...
Code: Select all
[ORG 0xF000]
[BITS 16]
; ============= GDT =============
dq 0x0000000000000000 ; NULL desriptor
dq 0x00CF92000000FFFF ; RAM CODE descriptor
dq 0x00CFFA000000FFFF ; RAM DATA descriptor
dq 0xFFCF9AFF0000FFFF ; ROM CODE descriptor (latest 64k)
dq 0xFFCFFAFF0000FFFF ; ROM DATA descriptor (latest 64k)
; size: 8B*4 = 32B SBAGLIATA
dw 0 ; limit to load
dd 0 ; base addr
; ============= CODE =============
; load GDT
mov ax, 32-1 ; ONLY 4 ENTRY (forget about the 5th)
mov word [GDTR], ax
mov eax, GDT
mov dword [GDTR+2], eax
lgdt [GDTR]
; goto protected mode
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 1
mov cr0, eax
mov ax, 0x20 ; latest descriptor
mov fs, ax ; CRASH HERE
jmp MAIN
times (16-($-JUMP)) db 0

EDIT3: There's something wrong if I first load GDT into the RAM (with some code) and then I jump there to load it?
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Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
I don't think that's a good idea. You can already access the ROM using your 0x8 and 0x10 segments, and using the same base address for all segments means you don't need to worry about which segment an instruction is using.ignus wrote:0x18 rom segment (from start rom to 4GB-1) [es]
Is it a good idea? So I can move data from [es:index_a] to [cs:index_b]
Your intentions are pretty clear, but it looks like you don't understand segmentation well enough to write the correct code.ignus wrote:If someone is interested...

Code: Select all
[ORG 0xF000]
Code: Select all
dw 0 ; limit to load
dd 0 ; base addr
Code: Select all
mov word [GDTR], ax
Code: Select all
lgdt [GDTR]
Code: Select all
mov cr0, eax
Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
Well thanks man
you destroy my code and my self-respect (actually I'm crying), but it was userful

I've got another question: on a book I'm reading (BIOS Disassembly Ninjutsu Uncovered, one of the most interesting I've ever read) there's written that the latest 128kb of ROM are mirrored at address 0xE0000 to 0xF0000. Is it true? Now I'll try to access that part of memory because, if it's possible, I'll try to posticipate my "baptism of fire" in 32 bit and code for now only in real modeThe system address map in figure 1.6 shows that the BIOS chip is mapped to two different address ranges, i.e., 4GB_minus_BIOS_chip_size to 4 GB and E_0000h to F_FFFFh. The former BIOS flash-ROM address range varies from chipset to chipset, depending on the maximum BIOS chip size supported by the chipset. This holds true for every chipset and must be taken into account when I delve into the BIOS code in later chapters. The latter address range mapping is supported in most contemporary chipsets.
This 128-KB range (E_0000h–F_FFFFh) is an alias to the topmost 128-KB address range in the BIOS chip.
I was trying not to be heavy-going, you all are quite kind and my question isn't a request but a humble aid to a newbie developer. Sorry if I have seemed a bit assh...If someone is interested...
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Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
It depends on the chipset.ignus wrote:there's written that the latest 128kb of ROM are mirrored at address 0xE0000 to 0xF0000. Is it true?
Back in the nineties, all BIOSes had an option to "shadow" the BIOS ROM. When it was disabled, the BIOS would configure the chipset to mirror the last 128kB of ROM at 0xE0000 to 0xFFFFF. When it was enabled, the BIOS would configure the chipset to put RAM instead of ROM at 0xE0000 to 0xFFFFF, then the BIOS would copy itself to that RAM.
Modern BIOSes don't have options like that anymore, so you'd have to read the chipset manuals to tell for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if BIOSes still operate on the assumption that 0xE0000 to 0xFFFFF will be the same as 0xFFFE0000 to 0xFFFFFFFF once the chipset initialization is complete.
You don't need to worry about the hardware, though - just Bochs. A quick look at rombios.c tells me that Bochs probably mirrors the BIOS.
Trust me, 32-bit mode (without segmentation) is way easier to deal with.ignus wrote:if it's possible, I'll try to posticipate my "baptism of fire" in 32 bit and code for now only in real mode

Don't worry about it. You're just trying to learn, right? I enjoy sharing my obscure (outside of OSdev) knowledge, and I hope you find it helpful.ignus wrote:I was trying not to be heavy-going, you all are quite kind and my question isn't a request but a humble aid to a newbie developer. Sorry if I have seemed a bit assh...

Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
Well, surely I'll try both of themOctocontrabass wrote:Trust me, 32-bit mode (without segmentation) is way easier to deal with.
However, you were right about shadowing (any doubt?)
It was easier than I though, to set up RAM enviroment. Now I'm lower than 1MB and also data segment seems to work (even if I needed to set my RAM size to a fixed size - decided 4k for now -)
Next: make keyboard work (argh!)
Code: Select all
[ORG 0xF000]
[BITS 16]
times (4096-(END-START)) db 0 ; remember the org 0xf000
; 0xF 0000 to FFFF ROM CODE
; 0xE FFFF to 0000 STACK and VARIABLES
; ============= CODE =============
jmp 0xF000:SETUP ; change cs
nop ; add it to not execute LOCK command
; SETUP segments
mov ax, 0xF000
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, 0xE000
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xFFFE ; sp = 0xE FFFF
mov bp, 0xFFFE
xor ax, ax
mov bx, DATA
mov al, [bx]
push word ax
inc bx
cmp al, 0
jne .loop
pop ax
dec bx
cmp ax, 'C'
jne .read
jmp $
db "Ciao", 0
jmp MAIN
times (16-($-JUMP)) db 0
Maybe before PS/2 I'll try with serial (seems much easier)
Edit2: it seems more difficoult than I thought to initialize the stack
If ax contain the value to push, ss is 0xE000, sp is 0xFFFC (and also bp), why after push word ax the stack increased but without moving the variable in ax?
Edit3: It doesn't work even if in this way:
Code: Select all
sub sp, 2
mov bx, sp
mov [ss:bx], ax
Edit4: It's scandalous! I can't write from 0xE_0000 to 0xF_FFFF! If I set ss = 0x9000 it works. Yuppie

Edit5: I think that in the following days the SuperIO will be my biggest enemy. To be honest, I never heard of that before...
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Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
But it is ROM. "Mirroring" is just a shorter name for connecting the address lines in a way that a single device responds to reads/writes at two or more addresses. (The A20 gate is another example of mirroring: it makes the first megabyte of RAM respond to the addresses normally used for the second megabyte of RAM.)ignus wrote:It's because I can't write in ROM? But technically that's not rom...
By the way, you should probably detect RAM before you try to use it.

Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
I don't know what the default setup is for these PAM registers (for Bochs) at power on. You may want to set all of them to "reads and writes go to RAM" initially; then copy data into RAM in those areas; then change the PAM to "reads go to RAM, writes go to PCI" (where appropriate) later on (after your POST) to make the areas look like ROM.
You can (and will probably need to) download the datasheet from Intel's web site. You'd be looking for "3.2.18. PAMPROGRAMMABLE ATTRIBUTE MAP REGISTERS (PAM[6:0])" on page 30 of this datasheet. Also note that Bochs does not emulate everything in the chipset 100% correctly; and various things (e.g. the RAM chip sizing and configuration registers) are not emulated by Bochs (if I remember right, you have to determine RAM size from values left in CMOS instead).
Bochs emulates the PAM registers of the "Intel 440FX" chipset. The area from 0x000C0000 to 0x000FFFFF is split up into 13 different sub-areas, and each of those sub-areas has 2 bits in the PAM registers that control whether reads and writes in that sub-area will go to RAM or get sent to PCI. Note: "get sent to PCI" typically means "get ignored", because nothing on the PCI bus is mapped in that area.ignus wrote:Edit4: It's scandalous! I can't write from 0xE_0000 to 0xF_FFFF! If I set ss = 0x9000 it works. Yuppie
Edit5: I think that in the following days the SuperIO will be my biggest enemy. To be honest, I never heard of that before...
I don't know what the default setup is for these PAM registers (for Bochs) at power on. You may want to set all of them to "reads and writes go to RAM" initially; then copy data into RAM in those areas; then change the PAM to "reads go to RAM, writes go to PCI" (where appropriate) later on (after your POST) to make the areas look like ROM.
You can (and will probably need to) download the datasheet from Intel's web site. You'd be looking for "3.2.18. PAMPROGRAMMABLE ATTRIBUTE MAP REGISTERS (PAM[6:0])" on page 30 of this datasheet. Also note that Bochs does not emulate everything in the chipset 100% correctly; and various things (e.g. the RAM chip sizing and configuration registers) are not emulated by Bochs (if I remember right, you have to determine RAM size from values left in CMOS instead).
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.
Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
There aren't enough word to say how much I admire you. How can you always have the answer for everything? (What are the number of tomorrow's lottery?)Brendan wrote: You can (and will probably need to) download the datasheet from Intel's web site. You'd be looking for "3.2.18. PAMPROGRAMMABLE ATTRIBUTE MAP REGISTERS (PAM[6:0])" on page 30 of this datasheet. Also note that Bochs does not emulate everything in the chipset 100% correctly; and various things (e.g. the RAM chip sizing and configuration registers) are not emulated by Bochs (if I remember right, you have to determine RAM size from values left in CMOS instead).
I don't want to misuse your knowledge, but maybe you have something to link me about SuperIO and company. I have already found some docs, but I'll need all the help I can
Now I know it too ahahBut it is ROM. "Mirroring" is just a shorter name for connecting the address lines in a way that a single device responds to reads/writes at two or more addresses. (The A20 gate is another example of mirroring: it makes the first megabyte of RAM respond to the addresses normally used for the second megabyte of RAM.)

EDIT1: My hope is to finish my work. If my thesis is in June, I'll have 4 months to design and other 6 to conclude it. I think I have enough time.
I'll surely make some documentation (I mean TONS of documentation, about everything I met during this project) and maybe, if you all want, I can post them on osDev
Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
It's me again
I was a little afraid to write here again but well, I try
I was trying to display something in bochs (with vgabios-lgpl, not cirrus), so I started looking here.
It seems that, like with ROM, I can't write from A000:0000 to B000:FFFF (well, I can't write yet) + I can't use BIOS (obviously)
Then I read this:

Following IBM specs, VGA mode 0x13 should be perfect. Graphics mode (= you don't have to deal with fonts yet), decent resolution (320x200), small color range (byte sized)
Perfect, let's do it! I supposed I need to setup something. So I was quite happy when I found someone that did that work for me. However, I miss some parts (font bitmap, I can find it on google, and a mysterious text.inc). Since that part aren't fundamental, I can delete that parts, call amazing function set_mode_0x13 and after only 20900 steps, it starts to loop without any sense.
This is a good sign: you need to do-it-yourself completely.
I tried to port modes.c from osdev files, only 13h mode. This is the code (it seems to assembly correctly)
It doesn't crash. After only 625 step in bochs dbg, it calls fill_screen, which should fill from es:0000 to es:ffff (es = A000).
Screen remains black.
So I asked myself: do I need to inizialize something before setting up VGA? I don't think so, because (I'm about to say something silly) I read somewhere that VGA isn't related to PCI, so I don't need to init PCI before VGA. They lied?
Any ideas?
I was a little afraid to write here again but well, I try
I was trying to display something in bochs (with vgabios-lgpl, not cirrus), so I started looking here.
It seems that, like with ROM, I can't write from A000:0000 to B000:FFFF (well, I can't write yet) + I can't use BIOS (obviously)
Then I read this:
Seems familiar?Writing specific drivers
The alternative approach is to not use the BIOS at all. In this case, you must write your own drivers to interact with the hardware.
The simplest way to get graphics modes without using BIOS would be to develop or reuse an existing VGA driver. This gives you all low resolution modes on practically all hardware, and is easier to do than setting up a virtual machine of any sort.
However, if you want to support high resolutions, you must write a driver for each graphics card that you want your OS to support. Only recommended if you have more than one life to waste. Note that there is no official documentation available for a lot of video cards, and that you need to resort to second-hand information (which tends to be incomplete) and existing driver implementations. If you want hardware acceleration, this is the only way to go.

Following IBM specs, VGA mode 0x13 should be perfect. Graphics mode (= you don't have to deal with fonts yet), decent resolution (320x200), small color range (byte sized)
Perfect, let's do it! I supposed I need to setup something. So I was quite happy when I found someone that did that work for me. However, I miss some parts (font bitmap, I can find it on google, and a mysterious text.inc). Since that part aren't fundamental, I can delete that parts, call amazing function set_mode_0x13 and after only 20900 steps, it starts to loop without any sense.
This is a good sign: you need to do-it-yourself completely.
I tried to port modes.c from osdev files, only 13h mode. This is the code (it seems to assembly correctly)
Code: Select all
%define VGA_AC_INDEX 0x3C0
%define VGA_AC_WRITE 0x3C0
%define VGA_MISC_WRITE 0x3C2
%define VGA_SEQ_INDEX 0x3C4
%define VGA_SEQ_DATA 0x3C5
%define VGA_GC_INDEX 0x3CE
%define VGA_GC_DATA 0x3CF
; COLOR emulation MONO emulation
%define VGA_CRTC_INDEX 0x3D4 ; 0x3B4
%define VGA_CRTC_DATA 0x3D5 ; 0x3B5
%define VGA_NUM_MISC_REG 1
%define VGA_NUM_SEQ_REGS 5
%define VGA_NUM_CRTC_REGS 25
%define VGA_NUM_GC_REGS 9
%define VGA_NUM_AC_REGS 21
%macro outb 2
mov dx, %1
mov al, %2
out dx, al
%macro outw 2
mov dx, %1
mov ax, %2
out dx, ax
%macro inb 1
mov dx, %1
in al, dx
%macro inw 1
mov dx, %1
in ax, dx
db 0x63 ; MISC
db 0x03, 0x01, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x0E ; SEQ
db 0x5F, 0x4F, 0x50, 0x82, 0x54, 0x80, 0xBF, 0x1F, ; CRTS
db 0x00, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ; CRTS
db 0x9C, 0x0E, 0x8F, 0x28, 0x40, 0x96, 0xB9, 0xA3, 0xFF ; CRTS
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x05, 0x0F, 0xFF ; GC
db 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, ; AC
db 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, ; AC
db 0x41, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00 ; AC
; set misc
outb VGA_MISC_WRITE, [vgamode_13h_reg]
;set sequencer
mov bx, 0 ; xor bl, 0
outb VGA_SEQ_INDEX, bl
outb VGA_SEQ_DATA, [vgamode_13h_reg+INDEX+bx]
inc bl
jl .sequencerLoop
; unlock CRTR
outb VGA_CRTC_INDEX, 0x03
or al, 0x80
outb VGA_CRTC_DATA, al
outb VGA_CRTC_INDEX, 0x03
and al, 0x7F; ~0x80
outb VGA_CRTC_DATA, al
; write CRTC reg
mov bx, 0
outb VGA_CRTC_DATA, [vgamode_13h_reg+INDEX+bx]
inc bl
jl .crtrLoop
; write gc regs
mov bx, 0
outb VGA_GC_INDEX, bl
outb VGA_GC_DATA, [vgamode_13h_reg+INDEX+bx]
inc bl
jl .GCLoop
mov bx, 0
outb VGA_AC_INDEX, bl
outb VGA_AC_WRITE, [vgamode_13h_reg+INDEX+bx]
inc bl
jl .ACLoop
; lock 16-color palette and unblank display (WHAT?)
mov bl, 0x20
outb VGA_AC_INDEX, bl
; sync
; es = video segment 0xA000
; this time, I should load it
mov ax, 0xA000
mov es, ax
; random color, similar to red-pink in default IBM palette
mov al, 0x50
; fill everything
mov bx, 0
mov [es:bx], al
inc bx
cmp bx, 320*200-1
jmp .drawLoop
; done
Code: Select all
[ORG 0xF000]
[BITS 16]
times (4096-(END-START)) db 0 ; remember the org 0xf000
; 0xF 0000 to FFFF ROM CODE
; 0x9 FFFE to 0000 STACK and VARIABLES
%include "vga.inc"
; ============= CODE =============
jmp 0xF000:SETUP ; change cs
nop ; add it to not execute LOCK command
; SETUP segments
mov ax, 0xF000
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 0xA000
mov es, ax ; vga segment
mov ax, 0x9000
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xFFFE ; sp = 0xE FFFF
mov bp, 0xFFFE
call set_mode_13h
call fill_screen
jmp $
db "Ciao", 0
jmp MAIN
times (16-($-JUMP)) db 0
Screen remains black.
So I asked myself: do I need to inizialize something before setting up VGA? I don't think so, because (I'm about to say something silly) I read somewhere that VGA isn't related to PCI, so I don't need to init PCI before VGA. They lied?
Any ideas?
Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
I started writing a bit of docs. Probably it isn't completely correct yet, and it's just the beginning.
I can't upload .pdf, so I post a link. It really doesn't have a licence yet, so use the way you want..
Any advice is appreciated
I can't upload .pdf, so I post a link. It really doesn't have a licence yet, so use the way you want..
Any advice is appreciated
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Re: [HOW TO]Bios development: resources and information to s
A typical (hardware) implementation requires you to initialize PCI at least to the point that you can identify video cards that claim to provide VGA compatibility, configure the chipset to forward VGA accesses to that video card, load the appropriate ROM from the video card, and run the ROM to initialize the video card.ignus wrote:So I asked myself: do I need to inizialize something before setting up VGA? I don't think so, because (I'm about to say something silly) I read somewhere that VGA isn't related to PCI, so I don't need to init PCI before VGA. They lied?
Bochs is not hardware, so you may be able to take shortcuts that wouldn't work on real hardware.
You will need to keep in mind that almost every piece of example code you find assumes that the BIOS has already initialized the hardware.