yeah, maybe having two separate exe would be a good idea.SpyderTL wrote: Ahem...![]()
You may want to consider doing what Bochs does, which is build two separate .exe's, one which has the debugger, but is slower, and one that does not and is faster.
But I would definitely use the debugger if it displayed values in hexadecimal, and had breakpoints.
the bios also wraps to 0x3f5 so the port itself should be fine.SpyderTL wrote: Speaking of which, I'm still trying to figure out why I can't boot from floppy disk image. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I'm switching to 32-bit mode first, and then trying to send commands directly to the FDC controller (0x03f5), instead of going through the 16-bit BIOS calls.
Anyway, should this direct FDC controller access be working in the current version that is located at the link above?
are you trying to write value 2 (read whole track) command?
thats unimplemented.
if this is the problem, if you tell me, how that mode works, i implement it (becouse i never heard from this)
also i remember fixing an error with floppy read or write, but i dont know if its included in the version or not.
i have no idea, what is that command, or how you try to acess it. i dont have such thing implemented.SpyderTL wrote: For instance, when I send the GetVersion command (0x10), and then read back the results, I'm getting 0xFF, where on (almost) all other emulators and hardware, I'm getting 0x90. (VMWare returns 0x81... wtf?)
SpyderTL wrote: Thanks. Keep up the good work.
thankyou for sending this lot of bugreports. you making my emulator better.