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I understand that as my bootloader stands right now, I am like early humans realizing that they can sharpen stones and use them as attack weapons (in other words, in comparison to most of you I am like a dog in this regard), but I still felt like sharing it. Right now it just prints a couple of messages (and unsuccessfully attempts to clear the screen; need to take another look at RBIL). But I am happy with myself . Link:
EDIT: Got screen clearing to finally work .
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."
Just one thing I noticed, it's probably a bad idea to have the stack at 0x400. The Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) is located at address 0 and is 0x400 bytes long, so pushing stuff onto the stack will overwrite it. In practice, this may not be a problem, since you'll likely only overwrite the high vectors (which probably aren't used), but it's still not good practice. What I do is place the stack at 0x7C00, directly below the bootsector.
I set the stack segment to be 0x7C0, so the stack is right above my 512 byte bootsector, so it should be no problem. In fact, I set all my segment registers to 0x7C0 in the start initialization of my bootsector.
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."