This is the closest I got.
The statement about infinite loop, I think was from before I had the endProg call in there (which is just an assembly fuction halting the cpu). Cas van Raan is a classmate of mine, and he's a little foul mouthed at times. He asked me to put it in, so I did.
It only shows when you enable the "cas" flag before compiling, and you manage to panic the kernel (which I happen to do, from time to time).
Code: Select all
// Claim to have panicked, show the message and enter an infinite loop.
void panicDebug(char * msg, char* file, int line)
#ifdef CAS
// Little easter egg, a request from Cas van Raan
printf("****'s fucked up at line %i in file %s\n%s\nTry again!", line, file, msg);
printf("Andromeda panic in %s at line %i\n%s\n", file, line, msg);
endProg(); // Halt and catch fire!