OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Combuster »

bontanu wrote:AFAIK somebody did copy the information from some of my posts regarding USB initializations and order of operations for making a driver and pasted it into the Wiki.
Unfortunately you have all forms of contact disabled so I'm forced to reply to this in public.

As far as the logs go, you have not made any edits to the wiki, let alone managed a successful login. Even if your submissions were originally made to the MT wiki, the USB article has been rewritten to the extent that the original content is lost. Just saying that someone copied your post makes it impossible for us to fix the situation, and the "AFAIK" only adds to the doubtful that there actually is a verbatim copy and not a reinterpretation. In other words, I have no legal need to modify any wiki pages based on your post alone.

I don't need the formalisms of a DCMA takedown notice, but if you need something fixed, you'll have to tell me what.

That said, the wiki license does not hold for forum posts, and it should be habit to ask the poster before making a contribution in his name. Similarly, the original copyright notice already stated that any contributions must be either the poster's work or posted with permission (be it a granted permission, or public domain)
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by bontanu »

Combuster wrote:
bontanu wrote:AFAIK somebody did copy the information from some of my posts regarding USB initializations and order of operations for making a driver and pasted it into the Wiki.
Unfortunately you have all forms of contact disabled so I'm forced to reply to this in public.

As far as the logs go, you have not made any edits to the wiki, let alone managed a successful login. Even if your submissions were originally made to the MT wiki, the USB article has been rewritten to the extent that the original content is lost. Just saying that someone copied your post makes it impossible for us to fix the situation, and the "AFAIK" only adds to the doubtful that there actually is a verbatim copy and not a reinterpretation. In other words, I have no legal need to modify any wiki pages based on your post alone.

I don't need the formalisms of a DCMA takedown notice, but if you need something fixed, you'll have to tell me what.

That said, the wiki license does not hold for forum posts, and it should be habit to ask the poster before making a contribution in his name. Similarly, the original copyright notice already stated that any contributions must be either the poster's work or posted with permission (be it a granted permission, or public domain)
You can contact me at bogdan_!ontanu "at" yahoo.com
(but you will have to remove the underscore and the exclamation from the email and of course add the "at" simbol )

I did not edit the wiki myself (I am against the Wiki concept) but I am aware that my post information was copy pasted because in that USB related thread somebody said it will do that copy and paste action and shortly after that ... a part of my post appeared in the Wiki with a few minor edits done to it (at that time).

I am unaware what happened after that but it looks like today the content is very much changed.

I do appreciate your fair notice to others that any copy paste from forum posts to the Wiki should be done with the poster's permission in the future. Thank you for making this statement.

I see no reason to complicate this further and in consequence let us assume that all of my original content that was copied is no longer there in the Wiki and you do not have to change nothing and this issue is settled from my point of view.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by jnc100 »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.

Many thanks to Combuster (and anyone else who is involved) for taking the time to undertake this relicensing effort.

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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by JackScott »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.

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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by StephanvanSchaik »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.

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S.J.R. van Schaik.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by AJ »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by js »

I have done very few changes on the wiki so far, but still :

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.

My wiki login is "js".
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Adek336 »

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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by alethiophile »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.

If I had an OS, there would be a link here.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by cic »

Yes, I agree.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by b.zaar »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by CommunistPancake »

I agree to the new license, and if I have any information that isn't from wikipedia, I will license my work as so.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by immibis »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by bastl »

To lead the way, I hereby declare that I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki and its predecessor the MegaTokyo FAQ are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by andyhhp »

I hereby declare that I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki and its predecessor the MegaTokyo FAQ are licensed under the effect of the CC0.