The cursor is updated from the col and row variables, I did it that way instead of passing args because the need for variables to keep up with columns and rows already exists for many other reasons.
Code: Select all
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
xor eax,eax
mov al,[row] ; Get new row
mov dl,80
mul dl ; row*80
add al,[col] ; row*80+col
mov [pos],ax ; pos=row*80+col
mov al,0fh
mov dx,[vid_ctrl_reg]
out dx,al ; Set video reg to f
mov ax,[pos]
and al,0ffh
mov dx,[vid_out_reg]
out dx,al ; Access video reg f
mov al,0eh
mov dx,[vid_ctrl_reg]
out dx,al ; Set video reg to e
mov ax,[pos]
mov al,ah
and al,0ffh
mov dx,[vid_out_reg]
out dx,al ; Access video reg e
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
vid_ctrl_reg dw 3d4h
vid_out_reg dw 3d5h
col db 0
row db 0
pos dw 0