The importance of design first

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Re: The importance of design first

Post by Benk »

Source ? That windows NT 3 based/Came from Mach 3 .. Its common knowledge use Google.

Its also obvious in the design
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Troy Martin
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Re: The importance of design first

Post by Troy Martin »

Benk wrote:Source ? That windows NT 3 based/Came from Mach 3 .. Its common knowledge use Google.

Its also obvious in the design
I'm calling troll on this one. I googled 'windows nt mach 3' and no results. Show me a page or a link of some kind (no tinyurl or youtube etc.)
Solar wrote:It keeps stunning me how friendly we - as a community - are towards people who start programming "their first OS" who don't even have a solid understanding of pointers, their compiler, or how a OS is structured.
I wish I could add more tex
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Re: The importance of design first

Post by Benk »

It may be harder to see now but at the time it was so obvious ( kids today.. :-) ) . NT Uses Threads and Client Server architecture with things like video running in user space. ( In NT 4 they moved it back into the Kernel due to customer feedback saying it was too slow) . These were what made Mach special. Now these things are common. If you cant see it yourself here are other people . ... Windows_NT ... r/ch01.htm

NT is not VMS based , the only thing i see there is the ACL security and the HAL both good ideas. The port based Mach security was already then regarded as bad .

Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if they started with the Mach kernel and then just rewrote all the components. Its a lot easier with an OS to start with an existing system then to start from scratch.

A commercial OS cant try new things , nearly all major commercial OS has taken an existing research OS and modified it.

Do you know Rick Rashid ( lead Mach dev) moved to MS about the time NT was developed. Here is a video where he states that the early NT work ( before they changed the API and surface) was based on his work with Mach
' ... -Research/

Anyway this is getting OT and should be a different thread.


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Re: The importance of design first

Post by mduft »

so, to return to the topic, what do you think of mindmapping software for designing a kernel (and the surrounding stuff)? i'm using freemind, and i feel that i have made pretty fast and good progress on really specifying what i want in my kernel. i always lost track of my text files before :)

i also tried to draw the basic kernel design (as seen in another thread started by me), but that started to get confusing too (even for me), after growing a little. Also it seems really hard for others to interpret the UML Diagram as i intended to. Mind Maps seem to be the (more or less) perfect solution to combine text with a structure/image.

As a sample i attached my kernel (and user space) mind map. i spent about a day on this, so there may be _many_ things missing/imcomplete/not well thought of/... it's just a sample :) (and maybe poses some ideas for others to think of in their design? ;) )

BTW: the green cloud denotes that that part is not really a part of the kernel, but executes _before_ the kernel (so it's something like a stage 3/4 (?) bootloader that sets up long mode, etc... the blue clouds denote that the contained stuff runs in user-mode (seperate processes ...).

What do you think? any other tools suggested (editors, UML modelling, mind mapping, etc.)? any comments on my mind mapped thoughts are appreciated as well of course :)

(P.S.: sorry for the zipped SVG - thats the only way the image fitted as attachement :( )
tachyon mind map
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