I sometimes do really wish for the days of ignorance. However, I can usually play a game without thinking about the physics engine (You geeks
). I mostly talking about music. Ever since I got vocal instruction, I can't listen to a song without picking out the baseline or a melody. One of my favorite quotes: "Igonrance is bliss."
It really is. Unless, of course, it's ignoring your mother when she tells you to do the dishes so you get a soapy frying pan upside the head (Not a true story to me (not yet anyway)(I hope I get those dishes done tonight (I'm tired
)). Here's my contribution to the conversation:
...you say something stupid and your pinky and index finger automatically react to push CTRL+Z
...you spend hours gleaning free Foxtrot cartoons from Google.
...you read this far in a thread like this.
...you try to use your belly button as a USB port.
...When the waiter asks you for your wine selection, you ask him what distribution of Linux we're using. (I'm gonna do that next time...)
...you name your two dogs Mac and Tosh
...you name the windows in your house 1, 2, 3, 95, 98, 98se, ME, 2000, NT, NT 2, NT 3, XP Home, XP Buisiness, XP media, xp Buisiness x64, ...
...you start "flame" wars over "fire"fox.
...you laugh at dumb cracks like that.
...you are ashamed to show your mother at Back to school night not because she's fat or ugly, but because she thinks square roots are vegetables.
...you make a balista out of braided yarn, metal tube, and PVC pipe with broom shafts as bolts.(true story)
...you take pleasure in scaring your baby sitters into believing you are hacking the CIA database by ping-ing it.(true story)
...you start to add to the above situation by writing an assembly program to make it look like you
really are.
...you get excited when McDonalds asks you if you want frys with your order because you think they mean "Electronic Fry's" (
...you threaten to roll for initiative when someone annoys you.
...you aren't worried about the test because you have a +3 pencil.
... you aren't worried about the test because you have a +2 grade.
... you aren't worried about your grade because you have an A+ certification.
... you think poorly of those that say "WOW" in vain.
... you do your math in hex just to vex your math teacher.
... you memorize guidleines like these to apply them to your life.
Here they get really lame...
... you are an architect that specializes in LEGOs;
... your rolemodel is Jason from Foxtrot.
... you're mad at Bill Amend for quitting.
... you are up till 12:00 in the morning doing lists like these.
... you make typos like "int he morning" and your customized spell checker doesn't pick it up.