A recent incident on the OSDev Wiki..

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Audit Wiki articles containing religious views?

Yes, That's fair and neutral..
No, That's not neural as you may be advocating Atheism..
Death to the non-believers! *Burn Brynet-Inc! - Burn*
No opinion at all..
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Post by Solar »

While I would vote for keeping a technical Wiki like this here free of religious stuff of any kind, I can't see how a plot device from the Star Trek movies and / or a pretty good pop band from my better years can ignite such passion...

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Post by Kevin McGuire »

Other Religious References
Hopefully, no one names a section Numbers, or Acts which might be a short hand reference to a book in the bible.
The Word Genesis
O.E., from L. genesis, adopted as title of first book of Old Testament in Vulgate, from Gk. genesis "origin, creation, generation," from gignesthai "to be born," related to genos "race, birth, descent" (see genus). As such, it translated Heb. bereshith, lit. "in the beginning," which was the first word of the text, taken in error as its title. Extended sense of "origin, creation" first recorded in Eng. 1604.

The word does not seem to have been born from the bible. It appears to have existed before hand. It is just a word and out of context it should have no bearing on the bible.
Usage Of Genesis And Other Words
If we do make it have bearing then the words Alpha and Omega are also out of the question. I think any reference to the numbers 1 and the infinity symbol might be too related to the bible?

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Post by Brynet-Inc »

Well, I see you're angry Kevin McGuire... but you're twisting events ;)

My edit of initial edit of pcmattmans Newlib article fixed formatting.. I didn't read his article at that time - I didn't have any interest in porting Newlib.

Perhaps I was "board", but I hope my linguistic skills are fair decent.. fortunately I don't spend time researching religious terminology or even factual world history.

As for AMD/Intel neutrality, even in my post.. I clearly stated "based on members first hand experience", I had more experience with Intel processors at the time.. My oldest AMD was a K6-2 and I didn't know anyone able or willing to contribute time/code.

Anyway.. I'm done discussing this now.. I was just hoping to establish a few Wiki guidelines.

I'll revert my Wiki modifications... :wink:
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Post by Kevin McGuire »

I am not mad. It is just the impression that you could be wrong that causes you to feel that way.

Remember, You make the decisions not me and no one forced you to revert your edit which shows that you alone are not sure about your decision. :P
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Post by Brynet-Inc »

Kevin McGuire wrote:Remember, You make the decisions not me and no one forced you to revert your edit which shows that you alone are not sure about your decision. :P
Incorrect, but it's funny... one can't even be neutral about religion because it offends the religious.. unfortunate loopholes :(

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(BTW, I'm not sure why you find my nickname offensive.. afraid my imaginary corporation is going to buy out yours? ;))
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Post by inflater »

I will be a confirmee at May 2008. Its only for the tradition, as if you have this thing completed, you can get married with your girl, in the church (or else only in the "city department"... err, how can I say "mestský úrad" in English? :( ) Everybody in my family are having the religionic confirmation, and aren't religious at all (I do not pray for God every day and night :lol:)

And after the confirmation process, God[TImmortality].Free; ;) Three liqueur-glasses of slivovitz for you Brynet, cheers! 8) :lol:

Last edited by inflater on Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kevin McGuire »

Incorrect, but it's funny... one can't even be neutral about religion because it offends the religious.. unfortunate loopholes.

Well, Bry. That does not make a whole bunch of sense. I mean being neutral about religion should, in my opinion, refer to not having a problem with or with out it. Apparently, your attitude was not neutral, or you would have been like the many of us who simply took the word for it's literal meaning. "the beginning"

Bry, if we take a look at a excerpt from the article:
Guess what... you're almost there!
Download newlib source (I'm using 1.15.0) from this ftp server. I'm using Cygwin with an ELF cross-compiler (--target=i586-elf), so I put the source into the C:\cygwin\usr\src folder.
Once the source was downloaded, I loaded up Cygwin. All that needs to be done here is to build newlib:

It could be interpreted as:
[In The Beginning]
Guess what.. you're almost there!
Download newlib source...

You call me angry, but look at your self discussing religious topics.
Brynet-Inc wrote:You're simply upset because someone has slapped you across the face for being a delusional idiot.
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Post by Brynet-Inc »

@McGuire, Alright.. So Genesis means "In The Beginning", but it still doesn't make sense in that article.. beginning of what? explain that please.. without preaching.. :wink:

(As for the old quotes, Thank you.. I'm feeling all nostalgic now :))

@inflater, Many countries "love" imposing religion on marriage and legal systems.. disturbing really.. :?
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Post by Kevin McGuire »

@McGuire, Alright.. So Genesis means "In The Beginning", but it still doesn't make sense in that article.. beginning of what? explain that please.. without preaching..
I dunno. You would have to ask the original author what his exact intentions where for using the word. Otherwise, we would just be assuming them. That is a neutral stance on the whole word. I interpret the word usage with good faith that he used it in a way not related to religion. It seems more plausible that he would have since there is no reference to the bible or any other such things.

I doubt he was doing it to insert subliminal messages into the article, but I could be wrong. :roll:

I also doubt we need a wiki "audit" to find subliminal messages embedded that convey religious ideas. :lol:
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Post by Brynet-Inc »

Kevin McGuire wrote:Brynut-Inc,
That's just entirely ironic, I'm the nut? You're kidding right? :roll:
Kevin Quagmire wrote:I dunno. You would have to ask the original author what his exact intentions where for using the word.
I doubt it was intended to be offensive, sure.. but the point being made was "it might be", or even if it isn't - avoid the chance it is.. by using descriptive English titles.
Mr McGiggity wrote:I doubt he was doing it to insert subliminal messages into the article, but I could be wrong. :roll:
True, He doesn't seem like the type to slip in subliminal messages.. Drink Duff' Beer! :lol:
Mr. McGuire Acquires Tires wrote:I also doubt we need a wiki "audit" to find subliminal messages embedded that convey religious ideas. :lol:
Alright, Audit bad... religion good.. read you loud 'n clear good buddy.. :roll:

That was fun.. 8)
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Post by Kevin McGuire »

Oh. I am sorry for misspelling your name! I did not realize it until after reading your post here. :(

Yes, but your history of personal connection to religious arguments with a, very visible, high degree of passion makes you unsuited for making a determination if the word was inappropriately used. I think someone of a neutral stance would be more appropriate to make the argument (which you did) and argue to argument (which you have tried).
Brynet-Inc Out Of Context Extractions wrote: ....You're simply upset because someone has slapped you across the face for being a delusional idiot....In my understanding anyone who has religion is clearly not capable of distinguishing between fact and fiction...Religion is about as useful as burnt toast....I'd lock you all up in a big white padded room if I could.. I'm embarrassed to be of the same species..The people with their imaginary friends are bothering me....
I can not trust you to sincerely prove a point about the word genesis when you become so emotionally attached and aggressive to religious topics which cause you to have these controversial statements.

You are a fanatic. =)
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Post by Alboin »

Oh, for the love of God, not another religious argument. (I crack myself up. :lol: )

@Brynet: Kevin Quagmire? Watching a little Family Guy are we? :P

As for the religions stuffs, at the moment, I should say all is well, no? As long as there's no overly religious stuffs in the wiki, the world is at peace. Genesis is fine, but quoting random versus is not.

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Post by Combuster »

What i can think of, is that you get the sequence: "in the beginning, the programmer was completing the final steps of his masterpiece", but as what kevin said, its up to the author to confirm or deny it.

I just wanted to note that reverting Porting Newlib was not necessary. If you have read the discussion page you should have noticed that the the only reason the edit was disputed was the inappropriate reason you gave for it. I'll let everybody draw his own conclusions from this public fight you decided to pick after it.
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Post by frank »

Well that was great for a 5 minute laugh. While I am not religious and haven't been since I was a child I don't really worry about religion that much. As long as someone doesn't try to "convert" me. For example if I was over eating dinner with some friends and they wanted to say a blessing before eating that would be fine, as long as they didn't ask me too say it.

When people start quoting bible verses speak up, otherwise don't get too upset over simple words that may have been used in religious texts. I just can't believe this is all over the word genesis.

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Post by JamesM »

If you have read the discussion page you should have noticed that the the only reason the edit was disputed was the inappropriate reason you gave for it.
Actually, that could partly be my fault - I told him to 'bloody well revert it' if he had no reason to change it in the first place :oops: